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Pokemon attacks
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Pokemon attacks
August 20, 2012 8:26:43pm
    Post: #1 
Pokemon attacks
Hello! i'm a new player on this site. I want give a my idea.
I spotted that pokemons in the gym, tower and players use all attacks from available. I think that it need change. I have a friend who has water pokemon with grass attacks and he beat other water pokemon in the gym but they can beat him cause they also has a grass and electric attacks.
I think that water poke should has only water attacks, fire poke only fire attacks etc. and the game will be more attractive, because player who want beat a psyhic poke, must search ghost.

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August 20, 2012 8:39:12pm
    Post: #2 
That would be limiting the game, the game used to be like that, but more players wanted to use any move they wanted than be limited to types.

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