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franken storm
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franken storm
October 29, 2012 1:15:39am
    Post: #1 
franken storm
I'm going to die!!!Why PA??? I'm not going to hide in a tub, my town is full of trees so a tornado will trip in the place its spawned. hurricane sandy is bigger, motherbigger than irene...
i hope you guys pray for me and my family. even if you dont know who jesus is. i am youngee than some of you so you have no choice.. hope i survive!!


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October 29, 2012 1:58:19am
    Post: #2 
You're obviously young if you think you're going to die. If your area has a lot of trees, the wind won't be as strong, and that means the ground is probably soft enough to absorb quite a bit of water before you see any flooding. Good luck.

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October 29, 2012 2:17:22pm
    Post: #3 
my brother (froggygreenup ) made a prediction that the cold front has high pressure and the hurricane has low pressure, they will hit eachother and create a super cell. then the super cell wil hit my town and right now the wind is like 40mph.thats the supercell hitting my town. so it might spawn a few tornados but the trees will trip them. we also have tons of hills and im 30 mintues away from the applechins, so youre right. im not going to die

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October 29, 2012 6:19:00pm
    Post: #4 
There was a franken storm when i was in vacation. when i came back from vacation, my dad told me that tree's fell down at my dads work. i actually saw them. one fell on my dads work. it was really scary. there is also a franken storm going on right now. my friend told me there was a hurricane going on but she said its impossible that its gonna reach us.

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October 29, 2012 7:14:39pm
    Post: #5 
man what do i like belgium now. the worst we ever had was one tornado. this was even before ma birth and in another town. belgium is perfectly placed we got small chances to be hit by nature disasters.

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credits to the one who made it but that isn't a member here i got it from someone on a chat.
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October 29, 2012 11:45:18pm
    Post: #6 
I'm lucky i live in NE alabama. When I was 4, Hurricane Ivan swept past and when it was over, our house was left untouched.

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October 29, 2012 11:49:03pm
    Post: #7 
Hurricane Sandy is active right now and harsh winds are coming around Virginia where i am.

Don't judge me... I'm a Minecraft fanatic.
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Made by Mewmaster! Thanks dood!
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October 30, 2012 2:09:37am
    Post: #8 
It's technically not a hurricane anymore. A hurricane has a warm center and colder outside temps. When it hit the cold air, the center cooled down, and now it's just a tropical storm.

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