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Pokemon Creed Forums < Rattata's Music Rave < The worst musical rhythm
The worst musical rhythm
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The worst musical rhythm
April 20, 2013 4:44:24pm
    Post: #1 
The worst musical rhythm
In my country, Brazil, we have a rhythm called Funk, which in my opinion is the worst we have, because besides demean women to an extreme level, leads to crime and drug use, plus many idiots think it is ****ed "culture".
Now I want to know from you ladies and gentlemen of Creed, which the worst musical rhythm at your option and name Muscia stilo that you hate.

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April 29, 2013 10:27:29pm
    Post: #2 
Funk sounds like Rap in America.

As far as "worst rhythm", the first thing that came to my mind is dubstep. All the songs pretty much sound the same to me.
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