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Pokemon Creed Forums < Rattata's Music Rave < anyone like BlackVeilBrides
anyone like BlackVeilBrides
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anyone like BlackVeilBrides
July 04, 2013 6:45:35pm
    Post: #1 
anyone like BlackVeilBrides
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July 04, 2013 7:15:11pm
    Post: #2 
Who blackveilbrides can u show a link or something or can u tell where to search it up? Like is it on youtube or not?

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July 04, 2013 7:17:11pm
    Post: #3 
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July 04, 2013 9:29:17pm
    Post: #4 
i know this band for a few years and i don't want to badmouth them but they are true emo's they give true metal a bad name with their make up and leather jackets with feathers. they look like they are anorexic and don't look to healthy. my girlfriend is probably their biggest fan ever cause (even though we are engaged) she still would like to have the lead singer andy biersack so i don't have a problem with the band but i think they give metal as it is supposed to be(metallica,judas priest,machine head, iron maiden, kreator, megadeth) a bad name

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