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How to improve speed while maintaining stamina?
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How to improve speed while maintaining stamina?
August 04, 2013 3:56:19am
    Post: #1 
How to improve speed while maintaining stamina?
Hey people. I wanted to know, how can I improve my running speed in sprints? Earlier, my sprint speed was high but stamina was low. Now it has become opposite. My stamina is better but my sprint speed dropped down a lot. How can I improve my sprint speed?

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August 04, 2013 4:44:12am
    Post: #2 
e few things that has worked for my brother was loose weight, and train at very small sprints a lot of time.
stamina you get from long distances. speed by doing the same distance but then i a lot of small times.

good luck

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August 04, 2013 12:45:11pm
    Post: #3 
This would probably help u if u follow it.
Pick a place where u can Run freely. But remember the place should hav a walking track in the shape or an Oval/Circle/Square etc and should not be a straight road.
Now take a watch to record ur time. Start the time and start to run Slowly. U should not be Walking.
Now try to run as many times around the place as u can until u get tired. Remember ur time that is for example u did 6 rounds in 15 minutes. Now each day try to increase ur speed of running and try to end the same number of rounds in less then the older time. When u get enough Stamina build up Increase the amount of rounds and decrease the time taken. This would surely help to maintain Speed and Stamina simultaneously

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August 04, 2013 1:11:32pm
    Post: #4 
MAO1, my weight is already less and I don't want to drop it further.
And Arsenic212, your idea does seem useful, but I got a problem.
When I run 3-4 rounds, my chest starts paining, not exactly chest, the area near there. My legs don't pain though. And, if I keep continuing, my stomach will start paining too.

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August 04, 2013 7:44:36pm
    Post: #5 
Try adding weights; like ankle weights, vest, etc... It'll increase your speed more, and also your ability to jump higher. You will just need to try harder when running.

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August 06, 2013 2:23:34am
    Post: #6 
Loose weight or try something called jogging its in the middle of running and walking and you retain a bit of stamina

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August 07, 2013 11:10:34am
    Post: #7 
well, i told already that i can't lose any weight, its already very low, and i know what jogging is; it won't help in improving sprint speed

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August 11, 2013 2:50:08pm
    Post: #8 
August 04, 2013 1:11:32pmcomplanboy Wrote:  MAO1, my weight is already less and I don't want to drop it further.
And Arsenic212, your idea does seem useful, but I got a problem.
When I run 3-4 rounds, my chest starts paining, not exactly chest, the area near there. My legs don't pain though. And, if I keep continuing, my stomach will start paining too.

That might be because of breathing problems. Try to breath Calmly and slowly. Take in Large breaths and release. If this continues do consult a doctor.

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August 12, 2013 9:39:01am
    Post: #9 
lol, when i tried breathing more, i vomited on the race track. anyways, i consulted a doctor. case closed!

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