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The Ray - Story
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The Ray - Story
January 16, 2014 11:40:01pm (This post was last modified: January 18, 2014 8:19:15pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #1 
The Ray - Story
I will probably start this tomorrow. I got little time today. Pretty much Ray's from The Ray - RP's backstory on why he's so bitter. Ok, so as I get smoothed out here's what I'm doing.

The story will sound like the Ray is telling it to someone. The story will also be told after the RP, so it will sum that up as well.

The extremely long and boring list of Characters:

Ray Luzier (Luxray) 1978
Nate Scheer (Charmeleon) 1982
Lisa Xenas (Luxray) 1990
Johnathan Pechio (Floatzel) 1978
Jason Monogram (Charmeleon) 2006
James Monogram (Charmeleon) 2008
Lucas Riol (Lucario) 2014
Zeke Matograssen (Zangoose) 2014
Blue (Mew) 1985
Scar (Latios) 2014
Victor (Victini) 2014
Keikai (Absol) 2012
Jack King (Mightyena) 2014
Matthew Ray Vaughn (Arcanine) 2014
Comrade (Elekid) 2014
Venom Pheonix Hayes (Charmander) 2014
Zack Kingston (Lucario) 2014

The numbers at the end are the years that pokemon makes an appearance.

Want to throw a new pokemon in. Want one of your current pokemon to make an earlier appearance. Go to The Ray - Review and tell me what you had in mind.

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January 17, 2014 9:27:45pm
    Post: #2 
(Story begins)

Well, it started when I was 6. It didn't feel like it, but, that's when. I was taken for a routine power test or some kind of sh*t they did to young kids back then. Well, my power was off the charts, so they gave me a supervisor. Johnathan Pechio. Well, you wouldn't think this would be bad and it wasn't. Johnathan was like a friend. Sparring with me whenever I was angry. I thought he was letting me win......he wasn't. It went on like this for a couple years.............................

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January 17, 2014 11:24:33pm
    Post: #3 
When I was 8 or 9 I got an acoustic guitar. I began to play songs on it, but you probably don't care about that sh*t. When I was ten, I was taken to some sort of jail. I don't know where or what it was. I....I was left alone for three days, until he came..............

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January 18, 2014 6:00:15pm
    Post: #4 
When people ask me what they did to me in the prison I just look at them and tell them, "What didn't they do?" And that is right. When he first walked in I asked him if he was my friend, if he was going to get me outta there. He just smirked and backhanded me. Then, he drove a knife into my shoulder and asked me if I was scared. D*mn I should of never nodded, but I did. In response he drove a knife into my other shoulder and told me I should be, for the rest of my life was going to be living hell. So far, he's been right....

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January 18, 2014 8:32:39pm
    Post: #5 
It was...almost a routine for three years. He'd come in, beat the sh*t out of me...and leave. Then, at the age of 13 something happened. Something called a Night Terror opened the cell and pulled me out. It was strange, I never seen him before. He dragged me out and threw me in the middle of the room. I mean the very center, where everyone could watch. The other guards left and it was just me..and Nate. He smirked and pulled out a knife. "Don't worry kid," He said, "Think of it as a 'trademark'" He then slowly dragged the knife down my right eye. That's where I got this scar.........

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January 19, 2014 1:59:01pm
    Post: #6 
After that the tortures got worse. A collar that sent some kind of shock through my neck. Hell on Earth you could call it. Worse it got, the harder I tried to fight back, against Nate, and fear. When I was 18, a little spark of hope struck me.............I met her............

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January 20, 2014 1:33:35pm
    Post: #7 
Her name was Lisa. She was 16, I was 18. Why Nate imprisoned her I don't know, but we fell in love pretty quick. It was an escape from the daily tortures, but I did things I hate myself for.................

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January 20, 2014 5:57:09pm
    Post: #8 
There..........was a collar strapped around my neck that sent some sort of shock through. This shock made me violent. I.........I always lashed out on somebody. The somebody was her..........but it didn't matter how many times I did it, she stayed with me. When I didn't lash out we sat together. She would listen to me play songs on my guitar and she eventually would join in. Those were the best moments of my life, until Nate did something I would never forgive him for............................................................

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January 21, 2014 12:35:49pm
    Post: #9 
I was just sitting there playing my guitar while sitting beside her, and he walked in. Nate grabbed her and dragged her out of the cell. When I tried to grab her back, the Night Terror stabbed me in the stomach....but I felt no pain. The pain was having to watch as Nate stabbed Lisa to death right in front of me and I was completely helpless. F*ck.............completely helpless............I promised to myself Nate would not kill another.............then I met my cousin......Daniel Razual.

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January 21, 2014 5:13:01pm
    Post: #10 
Daniel was a couple years younger than me. 21 to be exact when we first saw each other in the prison. Twist was, he was a guard we began to work up a plan.....but we didn't get far. Nate figured out and killed Daniel. Just like that.........back to the hell life for the next 16 years........

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