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Clan Wars
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Clan Wars
March 06, 2014 10:25:45am
    Post: #1 
Clan Wars
I heard that Clan Wars will be added soon (Don't know if it's true, or someone was just trolling me), so I thought I would suggest an idea for how it should happen.

The "Score" of clans should be replaced by "Respect"(because this term sounds better :D)

The rankings of the clan will depend on wars, not on Clan EXP.

Only the Clan Leader can declare war, on other clans, but, they cannot declare war on a clan that is more than 5 ranks ahead of them, or more than 5 ranks below them.

After declaring of the war, the actual war will begin on next day, so that Clan declaring war doesn't have advantage.

There will be a new button in Clans called Clan War Base, where clan members can see wars their clan is fighting and condition of those wars.

Once a war is started, the EXP gained by clan members will recorded. Once 3 days will be passed, the clan who manages to get double the EXP gained by other clan wins the war. Or, as an alternative, the clan which gets more exp. in the 3 days wins.

Upon winning, if the clan challenged a clan ahead of them, they will get that clan's rank, while if they challenged a clan below them, they will only get respect.

Upon winning, the clan will get respect ranging from 90-100.(Or, a different range can be chosen)

This respect can be used to purchase many upgrades.

Some of the upgrades I thought-
1. Loan Center - Upon purchasing this upgrade, clan members can put their pokemon here, and then other clan members can borrow them ( saves time of waiting for the person to come online, and then make trade )
The pokemon kept in loaning center cannot be taken back, and the pokemon borrowed won't gain and level.

2. Clan Farm - Upon purchasing this, clan members can plant their berries in 100 slots, but 1 slot per clan member. They can view in which slot which member planted what and how much time it will take, but they can't take the berries.

3. Clan Lab(really confused, maybe don't add this)-
I have two ideas for this
A. First there will be respect cost for buying Clan Lab, and after Clan Lab is bought, it will cost 1,000,000,000 respect to build a Nuclear Bomb(it will be hard to build as clan gets only 90-100 respect per war)
The Nuclear Bomb can be used only by the leader, and upon using this, the Clan they use it on, will lose all of its upgrades, and will get their respect reduce to 1/4th of their respect.

B. Otherwise, after buying Lab, players can donate Radioactive material(which can be found on maps, or a specific map related to it and having NPC upon defeating whom you get it can be made)
After 100 Radioactive material are there in Lab, the Nuclear Bomb can be constructed, which can be used in same way as I wrote above.

Every day, 1 respect will be removed from the clan, and if the clan respect becomes 0, the clan is destroyed(This is to remove inactive clans)

Clans can also exchange 1 trillion exp for 1 respect( so they have reason to train even when clans are not in wars)

Rate it?
Was very hard to type.....

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March 06, 2014 10:34:24am
    Post: #2 
Nice idea but would rate 7/10. I really dislike this line .
`The rankings of the clan will depend on wars, not on Clan EXP.`
Rather there can be war points shown for each clan , also to be frank that lab idea sucks , it takes a hard time to get updates. We need to be friendly to others and competite with others instead of destroying there hard work. I am very sorry if u didn't liked it but it was just my view

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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March 06, 2014 11:45:50am
    Post: #3 
Agreeing with Ash20111 on this line, "The rankings of the clan will depend on wars, not on Clan EXP."

The question is, then, what will be the point of training if it doesn't affect your clan?
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March 06, 2014 11:57:35am
    Post: #4 
It's an 8/10 the only parts are, as Ash and Amathyst said, The change of the ranking system, I also don't think that should be implemented. And I don't think the lab should be either.

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March 06, 2014 12:53:17pm
    Post: #5 
Nice idea, but i think its really very hard to update..! So i rate it 6/10.

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March 06, 2014 1:13:30pm
    Post: #6 
First of all, thank you for reading it completely.
The uses of Respect were something I thought randomly, and even I thought destroying and all that would be unsuitable for the game, so that part can be removed.

Now, answer to ash, Amathyst and Tman-
Like I said, training will be important to win clan wars, which will determine the rankings. so, training hard will still be important to get good ranks.
Also, if the clan is not in war, then they can exchange 1 trillion exp(or any other amount) for 1 respect. So, training hard to get your clan to top will never change.

The system of having wars determining rankings will allow more active clans to surpass the dead/inactive/dormant clans.

Yeah, its hard to implement, but, if Da Man currently has no idea about Clan Wars, then he can work over it, and its not like it has to be implemented in a day or in a week, it can be implemented slowly.

Any more questions?

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March 19, 2014 2:13:10pm
    Post: #7 
thread dead
lol it is rhyming

to jump, i need to bump

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July 09, 2014 9:53:33am
    Post: #8 
Bump again xD

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April 05, 2015 5:53:33am
    Post: #9 
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April 05, 2015 6:48:16am
    Post: #10 
Its good but may need some improvement so 7/10
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April 05, 2015 12:30:05pm
    Post: #11 
Even though its a good idea and im am givng it 8/10
i thnk isnt it similar to the game clash of clans dont u thnk
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April 05, 2015 12:32:39pm
    Post: #12 
It's good, but what if the clan has super low ranked people, they should make it so each clan gets the same level poke just for war so it can be fair

Don't read this. Your wasting your time.
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