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Pokemon Creed Forums < Ralt's Roleplaying Center < Hamtaro RP
Hamtaro RP
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Hamtaro RP
May 16, 2014 1:33:53pm
    Post: #1 
Hamtaro RP
For those of you who do not know what "Hamtaro" is, it is an anime revolving around a hamster named Hamtaro, owned by a 10 yr old girl. Then Hamtaro ventures outside and meets a group called the Ham-Hams, led by the character: Boss.

Here is a list of characters:
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-.- And for some reason relationships...

Well... Anyways..

1. Basics
2. You can be a made-up hamster, or you can be one of the characters.
3. No puppeting.


Name: Kenny/ Tobi/ Skunk
Gender: M/ M/ F
Appearance: Kenny: Orange with a brown stripe across his face, brown scarf. Tobi: Peanut butter sandy color. Skunk: Dark grey but with white head fur and belly fur.
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Other: Kenny and Tobi are friends, but Skunk likes Tobi. XD

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