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Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
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Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
July 20, 2014 7:34:38pm (This post was last modified: August 10, 2014 12:49:50pm by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
Everyone has won a prize. If I felt your story was good, I have rewarded a better prize. Prizes are delivered as a trade. If you haven't received my trade, please PM me.

Contest rules:
  • The context of the story is about Pokemon Creed.
  • I might put the winning story in the homepage of Pokemon Creed.
  • Contest ends 8th August 2014 11:30PM GMT.
  • Unlimited entries. You can place each story in different posts.
  • Use good English if possible, if you can't use good English, it's fine, I will correct the grammar mistakes.
  • An interesting and clever plot sounds nice. It doesn't have to be long. It can even be a few sentences. But it can also be long if you want.
  • Important Tip: Save a backup copy in a text document in your computer before posting it!

  • Prize Info:
  • Random stuff.
  • There will be at least one winner. Maybe more.

  • Some ideas:
  • Maybe say about how Cursed/Shadow/Rainbow/etc. came to existence.
  • Cursed might be the opposite of rainbow, luminous might be the opposite to shadow.
  • I'm not very imaginative, so let your imagination go wild.

  • Example:
    This is an example. This was used for Creed's homepage back in 2010. It's a bad example! :)
    It's been a long, hard ride but you finally arrive in the Kanto region.

    As you walk through the town you see a innocent young girl getting attacked by a Shadow Snorlax,
    someone robbing the bank, two guys having a fight... and so it begins...

    Can you protect the land of Pokemon Creed or will the land crush you?

    Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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    July 20, 2014 7:54:00pm (This post was last modified: July 20, 2014 8:03:12pm by bagon25.)
        Post: #2 
    Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
    You were walking not knowing what route to take, their where many regions and locations to go, you have been going for days non stop not knowing if you would finally make it, you choose a path and begin to stroll across it anxiously wondering if you would ever find it, more after more popped up but not the right one, you ran into the Store to grab some drinks and realising you are no longer in the correct place, you have left the real world and went into the world of Pokemon Creed.

    The air grew thick as you walked around wondering where to go, a young trainer comes to you and offers you guidance and without even thinking you accepted, he taught you the ways, he said to you "Now I have taught you everything and you are officially a member of Pokemon Creed, congratulations." he noticed you had no Pokemon so he allowed you to choose from a select few and you chose the one that looked appealing, you began the journey and the trainer decided to take a chance and battle you, moves were being struck everywhere smoke coming from the ground and the floor lifting, you were scared for your life but wouldn't stop, your Pokemon grew weak and the trainer threw you a potion to help carry on, you won and he handed you $7000.

    He decided to show you the routes of the regions you could take, you followed, he guided you threw every gym battle gaining more Exp and more Pokemon as you went along, you were strong.

    The trainer was proud and left you for the rest of your journey, you decided to go into a place called Games Corner thinking it would be all innocent when really it was a trick, you bet and lost and after a few tries you got addicted, you decided to bet Pokemon and lost your starter, you began racing your Pokemon and lost many times, you knew they were to strong for you to handle so you stopped and went onto a game that you hadn't noticed before, you scooped up your final coin and pressed the buzzer noticing that one coin got you 1000. You were proud and happy and you kept going. You began getting richer and decided that you should make a clan for everyone to join and be the best.

    You were going up ranks like wild fire and became 4th, before you knew it competition was getting tougher and it was becoming difficult, you became #1 and you all felt incredibly proud of yourselves. You decided to have a cool little clan party but you couldn't keep the #1 spot for very long so you recruited new members to help you on the journey to greatness.

    You got into trading and you traded for your starter back and you were incredibly happy that he was back after losing him for over a year.

    You then decided that my Pokemon were to strong so you caught new once thinking it would be a good idea, you were very much wrong and you regretted that choice almost instantly, you were once Rank #1 on everything but you began getting taken down and you were very upset that you chose the wrong choice after everything the trainer taught you so you trained as hard as you possibly could and you got stronger and people gave up but you never did.

    You noticed that you were getting overly strong and decided to fight Elite four and you beat them with no problem actually within minutes. They were disgusted with themselves, you were the best, you were more than you had ever aimed for and you knew that you were the real ruler of Pokemon Creed!
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    July 21, 2014 3:17:08pm
        Post: #3 
    So. Here you are. The new generation of Pokemaniacs.

    The Rockets have undergone some more experimentation, creating rare kinds of Pokemon, including the golden ones, and the cursed ones... You'll find out more later. ...Probably.

    Strangely enough, there's Gyms everywhere. Even on the roads. It looks like battling's a quite common pastime. You wonder, though, if all of the pokemon are different. You remember newspaper articles about a certain Golden Rayquaza...

    So, you think. This is Pokemon Creed.

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    July 21, 2014 8:03:16pm (This post was last modified: July 21, 2014 8:07:42pm by jamesdomingo.)
        Post: #4 
    Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
    As you traveled across the land, searching far and wide, you come across a brand new type of pokemon.

    You have noticed, it is a very calm, gentle Snorlax, however, the colors on the Snorlax are very different.
    Its skin has a color of black and red and is surrounded by a red glow!

    Slowly, you realize that there are other new types of pokemons, new battle towers, auction houses, new types of maps, and so much more!

    Suddenly, Professor Oak approaches and explains to you that this is, Pokemon Creed.

    Are you ready for your own adventure?

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    July 22, 2014 2:15:02am (This post was last modified: July 22, 2014 2:15:21am by Eternal Shadows.)
        Post: #5 
    Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
    After a long trip in the Kalos region, you sit down on the balcony of the ship headed towards Pallet Town. Your the champion of every region. Known simply by reputation, you're known by every aspiring trainer in the Pokemon World. As you watch the Kalos Region's landscape slowly disappear, you can't help but look at your bright red poke balls, and reminisce about all your great adventures. It was great to come home, but part of you still yearned for more adventure.

    Just then, the ship suddenly comes to a stop. Curious to what is going on, you grab your hat and open the door. Just as you look to your right, you see a man wearing a black jumpsuit with a large "R" on it. Team Rocket was hijacking the ship! Before you have the chance to run back into your room, you run into a large man in a red and black get-up. Team Magma was working with Team Rocket!

    Immediately, you turn around to find a Team Aqua member, Team Galactic grunt, and a Team Plasma member. With no where else to go, you concede and are brought up to the captain's cabin. When the doors open you cannot believe your eyes.

    The team leaders were all waiting for you, except there was something strange. Next to Team Rocket's Giovanni was a Golden Persian. Beside Team Magma's leader Maxie Camerupt who had a Shining Blue tint. Team Aqua's Archie sat next to a tank containing a Sharpedo with a Blackish-reddish tint. The leader of Team Galactic, Cyprus, was accompanied by a Rainbow colored Weavile. Team Plasma's leader Ghetsis sat below a giant purple colored dragon, which turned out to be a Hydreigon.

    Ghetsis approaches you and says, "You like them? They're all special. We've discovered the secrets of Pokemon. We learned of the 5 new types: Golden, Luminous, Cursed, Rainbow, and Shadow Pokemon! They're rare! They're desirable! They're loyal! They're PERFECT!"

    Ghetsis grabs your belt with your poke balls, and he throws them in a corner. You run to retrieve them but are struck over the top of the head. You immediately fall to the ground.

    When you wake up, you notice a man with Green trainer with a hat. He sat ontop of a Golden Zekrom.

    "My name is N. I have saved you from Ghetsis, but unfortunately, you can't stop their plan. New types of pokemon are being unleashed into the Pokemon World at great rates. The only way to stop them is to tame the new introduced Pokemon. As for your friends, they will be reborn as these special Pokemon. If you find them, they will remember you." He said while petting his Zekrom. "He still remembers me, after all."

    You realize he is right. You are a champion of every region, yet you don't have any Pokemon. You are not accustomed to the new Pokemon roaming the world, but you know it's your job to make a new life with them. This is the Pokemon Creed. And the rest of adventure lies in your hands.

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    July 22, 2014 10:06:35am
        Post: #6 
    Boarding onto a ship from Kanto, you were hoping to go safely to Johto, but it seems that was not what had happened, a storm happened, making the ship sink and you were washed up an uncharted island of Pokemon Creed. Waking up, you feel light-headed and struggled to get up, after staggering up, you decided to explore the island. As you ventured deeper into a nearby forest, the trees grew taller and the leaves were thicker, blocking out any sunlight. You checked your pockets for some kind of light sorce and got out your fully evolved Charizard, you sent out the dragon-like pokemon and its firey tail lit up a good portion of area around you. After countless hours of walking, you see an seemingly abandoned hut and opened the door, before you could tell what was going on, something used a Mega punch or something, knocking you out cold, you were taken inside the hut, and taken far below the Earths surface.

    You awoke hours later with no pokemon and in a cold cell "Where am I?" You shouted into the room, but had no awnser. The next room had your Pokemon on some strange conveyor belt being dragged into some vile machine, there were people in complete black working on your pokemon, changing them from Normal, to Gold,Cursed,Shadow,Luminous, and Rainbow to be sold to Trainers back in the main six regions that make up Creed. You tried to break down your Cell door, but noticed a strange note where you were knocked out, the note read "Dear Trainer, if you want to see your Pokemon again, look for a air vent in the cell. From, a Friend" You shoved the note into your pocket and opened a nearby vent, you crawled inside, Will you, the trainer, find your pokemon again? or will they be sold to some other trainer? More of the story will be revealed soon.

    Prepare for the makeover!




    A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

    Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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    [you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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    July 22, 2014 11:22:55am (This post was last modified: July 22, 2014 11:36:51am by shahzaib111.)
        Post: #7 
    Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
    [/size]As you were continuing your quest become the wolds champion you were almost there for your 8th and final badge. You were so exited you yelled out "I can't wait to get there". Suddenly a familiar foes appeared "I yelled out so it's you again". Prepare for trouble make it double, oh please stop it I've that crap 1000 times so be quit already. Not this time twerb cried jessy let's see about that ash said go charazard. Jessy cried as the wind blowed go arbok arbok use poison powder. Hah that ain't working this time charozard used protect charozard.jessie was very frustrated.Ok arbok use gunk shot the most epic move in the world "arbok use gunk shot" charizard was poison now it was getting really tough. Charizard finish with blast burn blast burn missed another gunk shot killed charizard. Go shadow snorlax snorlax with his over weight used 1 body slam and killed arbok team rocket yelled " we are blasting off again". So ash got his eighth badge beated the elite four and his dream cam true. How was this da man?

    hello Thanks for reading my signature
    My training rates
    3 billon per shiny pokemon 250 millon for each berrie 25 coins per billon
    My goals
    have 100k coins have luminous and golden pokemons
    there are somethings that i want to talk about how to beat the forest tower and other towers except for snorlax tower and how do we beat more than 50 pokemons in infinity tower thats all for me[/color][/u]
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    July 22, 2014 1:35:09pm
        Post: #8 
    You are here. Finally. You've been really looking forward to getting to Kanto. As you look around, there are certain places that are in every single town, excluding Pokemon Center and Pokemart. It says the Games Corner. You go in and realize there was a lot more in here than expected. So, you decide to look at some things. First, the Promo. An Espurr, but it looks different. It's red and black, with a red glow.

    Right before you fought Gary, Prof. Oak had told you the different kinds of pokemon are:
    Cursed: which has been said to be an accident clone of the luminous pokemon, and were slightly harder to get along with.
    Rainbow: A beatifully enhanced pokemon dipped by a gorgeous rainbow liquid only the most purest of hearts can see. These pokemon are very rare and pretty.
    Luminous: A light, shining blue colored pokemon that are also very pretty and are known to be quite friendly.
    Golden: The most pure pokemon and prettiest there is.
    Shadow: The sworn enemy of Rainbow pokemon. They are dark purple and can be cruel.

    You go on to the gyms. After hours of restless training and battling, you've finally gotten all 48 badges. Your starter is now level 1.2k. So now you decide to get more coins. You enter the Daily Raffle, do Lucky Dip, and got 2nd place on the Hitdown. You buy the promo. Things from here on should go smoothly.
    -A few months later-
    You've finally gotten quite popular, and your pokemon team is good. Not only are they strong, they are colored. You have finally became a good trainer.

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    July 22, 2014 6:41:26pm
        Post: #9 
    After you crawl out of the air duct, to find yourself on the other side, you decide to try and figure out where everything is, from what the letter said, it was clear that your pokemon would be transformed into something that would be traded off to be sold for a good amount of coin, at least, that's what you interpreted it to mean. You decide immediately now to go find your pokemon, but the doors were all guarded by two people in all out black. You grabbed the nearest thing, the door of the air duct you came from, and threw it at a guard, knocking it out, the other guards noticed and turned to you, they sent out strange pokemon, and the pokemon seemed to have a dark aura emitting from them you decide that the best course of action was to try and go into the air duct. Considering most were Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee, the pokemon looked around and noticed you enter the air duct, and tried to follow but failed. when the guards swarmed the air duct, leaving the cell exit unguarded, so you quietly sneaked out of your cell, and dragged the knocked out guard into the cell, and swapped clothing, and stuck the guard into the air duct.

    Because the guards couldn't see your face or anything now, they assumed you to be a new recruit or something, so you can now explore the area without getting spotted, you walked about, completely lost, you asked a guard where the pokemon were taken, the guard asks if your new, and you said yes. The guard pointed to a far off room that was locked by a key, the guard hands you the keys and you run to the room. Opening the room, you see the machine, and Pokeballs labeled only "C" or "S". you took one of them and opened it to see your Charizard, instead of it being dark purple and black with a dark aura emitting with it, it was a combination of many blues in colour and had a rather friendly aura emitting from it. You decided that it was transformed into a Luminous pokemon, and the "C" on the Pokeballs meant Cursed and the "S" meant Shadow. you decide that because the machine meant only to make Cursed and Shadow pokemon, that a Shadow pokemon might'v accidentally been turned into a different subtype.

    You checked the "S" balls until you encountered a Blastoise that was coloured like a Rainbow. You realized this one was a "Rainbow" pokemon immediately. Because the 4 sub-types were here, there might be another machine that made the last of the 5 sub-types, Golden, so you decide to check the place, before swiping one of the "S" and "C" balls. After exiting the room, you ventured down a vast hall, and there were only two rooms, One guarded by 2 guards, and one locked and said "Leader's room" on it. You encounter the guards, and sent out Charizard and Blastoise "Let me in." You told them "Sorry, rookie, No one but the Leader can enter this room." the Guards said, before getting hit with two Hyper beams from the Rainbow and Luminous Pokemon. You opened the door, and saw the Golden machine, and allot of Pokeballs marked "G" for Golden. you swiped a Golden Pokeball and turned around before seeing a man with the hood off. "Hey, Rookie, what are you doing in here?" He asked "Only I can enter here." he added "Well, that rule just changed." You said before commanding the Luminous Charizard to use Hyper Beam, which blasted the Leader backwards.

    The Leader sent out an Shadow Aegislash, it used Toxic on the Luminous Charizard while it was recharging, and the Charizard was slowly getting weaker, it one hit KOed the Aegislash with one well placed Fire blast though, and the Leader called that there was an intruder among the group disguised as a guard, so the guards begun brawling with each other as you walked away to the Elevator room. After entering, you go to the elevator and waited to go to the First Floor after pressing the combination required to go there. Once the elevator was at the entrance to the hut, you walked off, and not empty handed, You use Luminous Charizard to fly you back to Kanto to tell where you managed to find a place where Coloured Pokemon were being created.

    Prepare for the makeover!




    A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

    Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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    [you must login to view images] "Here we go."
    [you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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    July 26, 2014 10:52:34am (This post was last modified: July 26, 2014 11:22:16am by jack73355.)
        Post: #10 
    Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
    You reached Celadon city! You roamed around and saw a place called "Games corner" You went in and you saw a map of the place,there are shops such as Daily raffle , 50/50 game,The Racetracks, Lucky dip , Hitdown , Pokemon raffle.

    Afterwards, you went into the auction house, You saw that there is a Rainbow Happiny on it and current bidding was just 1000coins. You went ahead and place a bid of 2000coins and you won the rainbow happiny! You went to a shop called "promo centre" afterwards. You saw a guy was named Dulioil who was trading his Shadow Pigetto, you bought the promo twice which was a CursedGoomy. You then traded your cursed goomy and Luminous pigetto for his Shadow Pigetto. Afterwards, he showed me his stronger pokemon which was a golden lugia and it was like the first time i saw a golden pokemon."A man with his luminous giratina was the only one who can beat me in this world." This was when I know that Dualot was actually a elite trainer that was roaming around the world training his pokemon. "Farewell Friend, hope that we will meet again."

    You have finally got your eight badge and you went ahead to the elite four to see how strong had you grown.On the way, You meet your rival and of course, he was no match for you. "Welcome to the Elite Four. You can only carry up to six pokemon when you're challenging the elite four and you will have to have eight badgesto challenge them , please show me your badges." Xhinz said. You show him your badges and walked into a room.

    You saw a familiar face which was Dulioil , a friend that you had met during your journey.He said nothing and started the match right away. You beated him with your strongest pokemon Luminous dusknoir, it was a tough match as you have only 3 pokemon left."well done! Congratuations on beating me, but there are far more stronger trainer in here." Dulioil
    said. He might had forgotten that you was the newbie trainer he meet that time.

    You healed your pokemons with the potions you brought and continued to the next room. It was Dualot, the secondtrainer of the elite four! You smiled at him and begun the battle. "Blizzard!" You said. your Luminousdusknoir had won against his LuminousGiratina! "You're strong, Much more stronger than you were before! But there are two more elites ahead of me, good luck!" Dualot said. You healed all your pokemon as you are beaten down to only two pokemon.

    "Hi , my name is zapdos." The elite trainer said. You started the match, all after defeating this trainer "zapdos" you are only left with your last pokemon that you haven't used yet.You healed up all the pokemon and walked to the last room.

    "Hey,Young man. I am Da man probably the strongest trainer in this world." said the last elited trainer.The match was started in a split second.You sent your strongest pokemon up which is shadow lugia,you
    thought that Da man only have two pokemon left and you could beat him
    but after defeating his rainbow mew, He sent out the a Glitter Dialga,and sent your shadow lugia flying."You're the first trainer i had encounted who had beaten my rainbow mew, but my ace was glitterDialga,it was a very rare pokemon that legend says that only three existed in the world but after I travelled for 4years, i met him , he was my partner even since then." Da man said. He handled a GoldenLugia to you and said that it was a gift from him for coming so far.

    You continued your journey travelling in The PokemonCreed World...

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    August 05, 2014 10:42:58pm
        Post: #11 
    You wake up. Walking down a corridor you realize who you are you are [Username here] From Pallet town! Silly buns.

    You continue walking, and suddenly you break into a run. You keep running, until you break through the double doors, Shouting "Hey Kanto! [Username] Here!" Suddenly you stop, when you see a young man in a red hat, jeans, trainer shoes and a vest.. And he was being attacked!

    You rush to help him, and send out [Starter pokemon here] To help him "Tackle!" You scream as you realize something. The pokemon that was attacking the man was different. It was mainly black and had a red aura surrounding it. Your pokemon uses Hyper beam, and gets the pokemon to run into the mountains. "Thanks." The man gets up, and your eyes meet. You both freeze you have the same features the same Blue eyes. The same black hair. "Dad?" You gasp. The man jusy stares you and drops on one knee to embrace you. "Son," The man said. "Go, and remember that I love you."

    ((Huh? It's fun to write for me. And I hope there are events similar to this. Hope you like it!))

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    Being a ghost type fan, is mentally busting.. and Hehehehe.. Fun..
    Totes. mother said I was obsessed.with a magical wave of my magical roleplay hands, I said "Go make me a sandwich."
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    August 06, 2014 12:48:24am (This post was last modified: August 08, 2014 9:16:39am by Da Man.)
        Post: #12 
    Pokemon Creed - Story Contest
    Edited by Da Man: removed offensive content.
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    August 09, 2014 12:29:44am
        Post: #13 
    (Oh just a little bit of Info, both my posts are of the same story :P)

    Prepare for the makeover!




    A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

    Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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    [you must login to view images] "Here we go."
    [you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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