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Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Clans < Legendarys is calling out to you!
Legendarys is calling out to you!
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Legendarys is calling out to you!
August 03, 2014 10:29:03pm
    Post: #1 
Legendarys is calling out to you!
I'm not the clan leader I'm the Admin and I'm saying Legendaries will be the best but we need your help.

We need some of the top casters trainers out there to make us the best so if you are up to the challenge just post in here with your highest level.


Level: 3000+
Exp gain per week: Up to you but offer.

If you have these to elements I will send you a invite almost instantly if I find the amount of Exp you train is fair!

We will be the best we just need the best trainers to do it!

Join now to be in the best clan on

P.s sorry for the last thread the spelling mistake!

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August 05, 2014 2:40:03pm
    Post: #2 
No one wants to be the best
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