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Music Player On Maps
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Music Player On Maps
September 07, 2014 7:50:21pm (This post was last modified: September 07, 2014 8:07:18pm by ShinyStaraptor398.)
    Post: #1 
Music Player On Maps
My idea is simple in premise, maybe not so simple in application. I don't know, I'm not a programmer.

Well, just as Da Man has built an audio player into the Pokedex, I'd like to see one built in with the maps as well. Something above or below the map box that would play a track of game music, or maybe have a labeled playlist of game music.

I'd love to see places, like the Ghost Town, have eerie music from Lavender Town/Tower, the Old Chateau, or the Distortion World. Al Sahra could use music from the games deserts, but the one from Hoenn holds a great peppy vibe, if you ask me. There's also plenty of music to choose from for forests, waterside, and caves.

So, how does this sound to everyone? Thanks for reading.

Rate -/10, and tell me why you rate it as such, thanks again.

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September 16, 2014 2:33:29pm
    Post: #2 
Great idea it will fun to listen to music while exploring maps. 9.5/10
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October 01, 2014 8:23:38pm
    Post: #3 

I'd really like to get this idea put back out there, or at least get Da Man's opinion on it.

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