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How to Train Your Dere
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How to Train Your Dere
January 08, 2015 10:38:26pm (This post was last modified: January 09, 2015 9:25:27pm by FlameChan.)
    Post: #1 
How to Train Your Dere

You're in Japan, and you're part of a group to help Dere's reveal their Dere side. There are a variety which you can decide to work with. You will work alongside several other assistants. You are to form a relationship with the Dere, and get to understand and consort them. In consideration, this is more like a crazy dating project than training but lets get on with it.
1. The Basics
2. Love and Gore is allowed, all limits are off.
3. No Godmodding of any Kind.
1. 2 Characters per form, one for the Trainer and the other for the Dere.
2. If you aren't sure what certain types act like, message me privately and I'll explain. For Tsundere and Kuudere, check Asuka and Icarus's actions in Characters and Anti's by Shinxey.
Dere of Choice;
The kind that holds themself above others.
Wanting to be higher in stature than others.
As they bond with others, their Tsun side becomes more public and aggressive in public, while the Dere side is more apparent in private.
The emotionless and cold kind.
With less emotion than all others.
They don't usually show any kind of emotion and when they do they don't know how to express it.
When the relationship expands they begin to learn emotion.
The antisocial and secretive kind.
They don't like to talk usually.
They keep to themselves.
They usually don't like to be in crowds and stay alone. When they open up, they are talkative and emotional.
Crazy, crazy, crazy love.
Mainly crazy.
They'll kill anyone in their way to you.
They have an unstable emotional level, with spikes when rejected.
They are usually killers with an attraction to a certain person.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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