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Survive the Night
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Survive the Night
January 15, 2015 10:12:25pm (This post was last modified: January 27, 2015 4:17:55pm by FlameChan.)
    Post: #1 
Survive the Night

You and your friends attend a school where you both take classes and live in. In the past few days, there have been reports of blood and missing students. When you and your friends open a locker, a horrible truth has been revealed in the form of a journal. As you read through these pages, you are enticed to find out what happened.
[Day 1]
Where am I? I don't know what happened... All I hear is a roar across these halls.
I'm scared, I'm alone...
[Day 2]
Oh god why, why why why. Sent to this place of sorry and despair, hunted by this monster. At least I found some food...
[Day 3]
It appears to me that this place is extremely reminiscent of the school, other than it's a bit worn down, no teachers, and it seems a bit decadent.
[Final Entry]
Dear Journal, it's found me... I've taken to hiding in a closet, but I fear it'll find me. It's moving closer, it's direc-
and it ends on the unfinished word, with the rest of the pages being splattered in blood. You and you friends then look around, and eventually come into a room in the downwards area of the school. As you enter a closet inside the room, you all black out, and awake in a place that matches the description of the school mentioned in the third day. During your short first exploration, you find another journal, telling about the horror that is the monster than lurks throughout the area. Telling of it's devouring of humans.
1. The Basics
2. Bypass on Gore/Romance (Sorry Shinxey)
3. No Godmodding, you have to be an average human or humanoid, no invincibility, no recovery gems (most of these are pointed at Ness )
1. This is a Corpse Party esque RP.
2. Humans and Humanoids only.
3. Do not freak out about some of the things that happen.
4. This is going to be one of my bloodier RPs.
Species; (Humans and Humanoid species only!)
Other; (No Powers unless one of the special characters created by yours truly.)
[Special Characters]
[Vex the Monster]
Name; Vexacus "Vex"
Gender; Genderless
Age; Timeless
Personality; Conflicting, very caring and protective usually. This is over ridden by hunger and being lonely.
Species; Dragonoid
Other; Regeneration and Healing Blood. Carnivorous, with a craving for meat usually. Teeth that would make a T-Rex run away.
Appearance; 7'6 feet tall, with a slim build, usually on all fours, running on his foot long claws. He has a decent length tail which he can use to grab objects and people.
He has decently large teeth that are able to cut through flesh like butter and anything else with ease. He has a pair of wings, but they're usually hidden.
[Icarus the Guiding Spirit]
Name; Icarus "Hiro" Regulus
Gender; Male
Age; 18
Personality; Caring, guiding, and somewhat sarcastic.
Species; Ghost
Other; Intangibility, all the ghostly things.
Appearance; Wild spiking hair, coming from the back and stabbing in the front. Blue due to his spirit status. He is seen with a jacket on and usually a scarf.
[Kari the Yan]
Name; Kari Ayrashi
Gender; Female
Age; 17
Personality; Crazy, Psychotic, Clingy, and somewhat relentless
Species; Ghost
Other; Intangibility, all the ghostly things, obsessed with Vexacus and taking care of the monster. One of the first victims. Also, she, like all ghosts can physically affect others.
Appearance; Well groomed and wearing a school-girl's outfit. Her long brown hair flows, but the color is hidden due to the ghostliness. She carries around a sharp 1 ft kitchen knife by her side. She wears simple shoes that go with her blood red eyes.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 22, 2015 2:02:35am
    Post: #2 
((Moving it a bit forward.))
A group of students, comprising of one Fai Irazani, Ian Eonos, Erza Porzan, and Ire Kyrasaki, popped into the world, with Vex still sleeping off his last meal.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 1:44:06am
    Post: #3 
Name; Acel Aven Excalibur Underling
Gender; M
Age; 14
Personality; Very friendly if you don't scream when you see him, hahaha, yeah... Umm, can be a very hard-to-understand kind of guy, he has many issues, and he is afraid to talk about his past.
Species; He is a half angel, half demon breed... Umm, but looks like a human, most of the time...
Other; He is almost completely blind, his main weakpoints are being poked in the thigh, being punched in the nose, held by the waist, being shot in his 'Soul Eye', but in this game, he can be killed like everyone else.
Appearance; He is 6'4, very slim and the typical "scary". He has long black hair that covers up a little over half of his face, a single gleaming red eye and the other is a socket that has a silver light that can read souls. He wears a grey and white T-shirt, black dress pants, and crimson combat boots. He also has two wings that are crimson colored, but he cannot fly indoors.

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January 27, 2015 1:50:13am
    Post: #4 
Accepted, throughout the threads, I haven't been able to see how much of a interesting and peculiar character Ace is, if you wish to begin, we may begin.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 1:52:38am
    Post: #5 
(Ace is very.... Interesting.... And I'd much rather have you begin, if you don't mind.)

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January 27, 2015 2:02:30am
    Post: #6 
Icarus looked around the place he and the monster resided, "New people coming in eh?" he said as he remembered the groups. "Vex has been a bit hungry since the last group, not much I can do to feed him." he said about the creatures conflicting nature.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 2:49:38am
    Post: #7 
I walked about, not going anywhere in particular.

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January 27, 2015 2:55:07am
    Post: #8 
Icarus noticed a wandering fleshed individual, "Hello there, I assume you know of the beast?" he said, wondering of their knowledge.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 2:59:36am
    Post: #9 
"Nope, and I don't care either," I say.

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January 27, 2015 3:02:45am
    Post: #10 
Icarus nodded, "I see, also, you do realize that you cannot leave this realm." he informed as Vex let out a roar of boredom.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 3:10:13am
    Post: #11 
"Uh huh, oh well," I say.

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January 27, 2015 3:15:12am
    Post: #12 
Vexacus sleeked around the corner, a bit less murderously hungry for flesh than before, "H-He-Hello." he managed to say through his state at the moment. Icarus nodded, "What would your name be?" he asked as the beast stood behind him.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 3:27:41am
    Post: #13 
"My name is Ace." I say simply, "Say, who is that behind you?"

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January 27, 2015 3:28:57am
    Post: #14 
Icarus nodded, "That's Vex, or Vexacus the Beast, he's who I was talking about earlier." he said as the group aforementioned came to the trio.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 27, 2015 3:31:34am
    Post: #15 
"Hello Vex," I say cheerfully.

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