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The King's Quest
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The King's Quest
January 18, 2015 1:46:39am
    Post: #1 
The King's Quest
It was just a normal day for you. You headed home when you noticed a note nailed to your door. It read "Hello loyal subject of my kingdom. I call upon you and some others for a quest. Please come to my castle for further details."
You head to the castle and meet with the king. "Ah, so you came. I wasn't sure if you would come or not. The kingdom is troubled. It seems that I blew all our money on worthless stuff. We need you to go find the fabled land of Pecunia, the land of endless riches. You'll of course get rewarded, blah, blah, blah. I for one have no idea where Pecunia is, that is your job to find out. I can't supply you with anything since the kingdom is broke, so bring your own. The path ahead is dangerous; it is filled with creatures and other people. Make allies where you can. Please save the kingdom." The king said.
You decide to go on this quest and to save the kingdom.

1. The basics
2. Keep gore to an absolute minimal please.

Appearance: (Description or picture)

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Thanks Amy!
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January 18, 2015 1:53:33am
    Post: #2 
((This sounds fan flibbing flobbin tastic))
Name: Icarus Skyes
Gender: Male
Age; 18
Species: Phantom Evangelion
Appearance: Here "Note 6'5" in EVA form, he is 20 meters tall, has the appearance of a humanoid dragonoid with mechanical wings. A weaponized tail which can clamp onto things. He also wields long claws called Yeria's Godchokers along with his Red, Blue, and Green paint coat.
Bio: [This is Super Long so Spoiler]

A special Phantom Unit from PHNT that has been known to displace himself into various worlds. His most famous expedition into Tokyo-3 to help repair the area during attacks from Angels. In the end of his expedition, following the death of the one he treasured most, a Pure Phantom Force was awakened, and he slaughtered the attackers and killers. As Shinji were to make his decision, he saw the now God-like Icarus standing from a distance, seething with rage and anger, before making his decision, he asked Lilith (Not from Not So Happily Ever After) to engage Icarus in a fight, to see if Shinji was asking the true "God" here. Shinji would not make his decision until the two's fight had finished as a result. Icarus was still standing and not melted into LCL due to the Phantom Force's many fields, which was massively stronger than any AT field known at the time, including Liliths. As the two engaged in combat, it was easy to see that the 2nd Angel was losing horrendously. Lilith, unable to harm or even attack Icarus, was easily slaughtered and killed in the Phantom's onslaught. Now, after taking the power from Lilith, Icarus stepped towards Shinji. Asking him a simple question, "What do you really want Shinji Ikari?" he asked. After receiving a reply that would change everything back to what it was, before the third impact, and completely reversing the effects of the other impacts, but not the memory of what had happened, even reviving Asuka in the process. After doing so, Icarus was sent back to PHNT, with newfound godlike powers in his Phantom Force form, which was promptly locked away by himself.

Skills/Powers: Regeneration, Heaven's Gift, Flight by Mechanical Wings, Yeria's Godchokers, and Phantom Form

Other: Super Long History Characters SLHC

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 18, 2015 2:01:03am
    Post: #3 
(Accepted. What is Heaven's Gift?)

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Thanks Amy!
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January 18, 2015 2:06:08am
    Post: #4 
Name: Ace
Gender: M
Age: 19
Species: Half Human Half Demon
Appearance: Has pale grey skin and has red eyes. He has black hair and wears a grey and white striped T-shirt and black dress pants. At this age, he is 9'11.
Bio: Eh, very sad from 4-10 but ends up getting married :3
Skills/ Power: Can fly and is good with a knife. He can also break the fourth wall.
Other: XD

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January 18, 2015 2:25:59am
    Post: #5 
(Accepted as well.)

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Thanks Amy!
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January 18, 2015 2:33:07am
    Post: #6 
((Heaven's Gift, a power acquired after Icarus killed Lilith (NGE), where Icarus can sacrifice part of his body to restore the same part to another person, he can also sacrifice 99% of his body to revive the dead, with him needing a few hours to regenerate.))

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 18, 2015 3:32:31am
    Post: #7 
(Thanks for explaining it.)
My Form:
Name: Shulk
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Homs

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Bio: The Heir to the Monado. A young scientist that discovers that he can control the Monado and saves his home.
Skills/Powers: Visions of the future. Monado Arts.
Other: None

We can begin. You can also add other characters later on.

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Thanks Amy!
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January 19, 2015 4:44:57am
    Post: #8 
Shulk looked at a list that he made to make sure he was prepared.

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Thanks Amy!
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January 19, 2015 7:08:20pm
    Post: #9 
Icarus sighed, "Alright, looks like we need to find this." he said as he looked around. He extended his wings and took flight, taking a view of the area.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 19, 2015 7:18:20pm
    Post: #10 
I was walking around, scanning my surroundings.

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January 19, 2015 9:16:28pm
    Post: #11 
After Shulk made sure he had everything he headed to the exit of the kingdom.

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Thanks Amy!
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January 19, 2015 9:31:40pm
    Post: #12 
Icarus smiled as he saw the other searchers heading off, "Looks like we got more than one." he said as he flew off on his wings, careful to keep his momentum as he viewed the skies.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 19, 2015 10:04:28pm
    Post: #13 
Shulk headed on the path away from the kingdom. He held the Monado in his hand, ready to defend himself.

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Thanks Amy!
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January 25, 2015 1:38:09am
    Post: #14 
((Not sure if anyone is still interested in this or not.))

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January 25, 2015 1:42:33am (This post was last modified: January 25, 2015 1:42:55am by FlameChan.)
    Post: #15 
The King's Quest
((Oh I am, it got buried under 50000 other threads.))
Icarus dashed down into a clearing, "Lets see whats around here." he said as he viewed the area.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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