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OEO Invasion RP
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OEO Invasion RP
February 24, 2015 3:41:18pm (This post was last modified: March 02, 2015 1:58:31pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #1 
OEO Invasion RP
The notorious gang known as One Eye Open, led by Lucas Kyargo, has accomplished it's goal, a fully functional army made of half human-half robots. Using force and strategy, One Eye Open planted it's members in the military, businesses, government, and even the FBI. Using their implants and they're army, they have become an amassed, unstoppable force. Small rebellion groups are all that remain to fight this massive army, which gets bigger every day. Are you a part of this unstoppable army, or a member of the rebellion trying to achieve the impossible.


1. Basics
2. You can be anything
3. You can have as many characters as you want


Weapons and/or Powers:

Name: Lucas Kyargo
Age: 39
Gender: M
Species: Human
Appearance: 5'11, 190 Ibs, Black dreadlocks that reach to his shoulders, usually wears a suit.
Side: One Eye Open
Rank: Leader
Weapons and/or Powers: Stinger, RPD, Five-Seven.
Other: Only man who knows how to shut down the robots.

One Eye Open
Leader: Lucas Kyargo
Chief Enforcer: Zecharias Azako
Sergeant: Raymond Lyzakyan
Sergeant: James 'Deadeye' Baulschoff
Sergeant: Jeff 'Python' Ryan
Sergeant: Leynyard Kyargo
Soldier: Angus Ryan
Soldier: James 'C2' Monogram
Soldier: Jason 'C1' Monogram
Technician: Jackal Ryan

Leader: Johnathan Pechio
General: Matthew Ray Vaughn
Sergeant/Technician: Adrian Vaughn
Sergeant: John Baulschoff
Soldier: Rodney Baulschoff
Technician: Sam Bell
Medic: Christina Baulschoff


Edward Markus Alverara
Acel Aven Excalibur Underling

Rebellion's Top 10 Most Wanted:

1. Lucas Kyargo
2. Zecharias Azako
3. Raymond Lyzakyan
4. James 'Deadeye' Baulschoff
5. Jeff 'Python' Ryan
6. Leynyard Kyargo
7. Angus Ryan
8. C2 *Captured*
9. C1
10. Jackal Ryan

OEO's Top 10 Most Wanted:

1. Johnathan Pechio
2. Matthew Ray Vaughn
3. John Baulschoff
4. Rodney Baulschoff
5. Ace Underling
6. Sam Bell
7. Christina Baulschoff
8. -
9. -
10. -

*Breathing Heavily*

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February 24, 2015 9:35:56pm (This post was last modified: February 24, 2015 9:36:21pm by NessUnderling.)
    Post: #2 
OEO Invasion RP
(When I saw this, I nearly yelled, "OH EHM GEE YAS!" XD)
Name: Acel Aven Excalibur Underling
Age: 14
Gender: M
Species: Half Angel- Half Demon.
Appearance: He towers over others at the outstanding height of 6'4" at his young age, and weighs but only 127 lbs. He has long black hair- the only part of himself he likes. He has long, retractable claws that come out of his fingertips. He usually wears a tattered grey and white T-shirt and black dress pants with holes in the knees. He also has 6 rows of 24 teeth (on each row) on the top and 3 rows on the bottom- all being razor sharp. He also has two black, but stained red, wings on his back.
Side: Not loyal at all, unless you catch him and 'befriend' him.
Rank: He was always referred to as "A secret weapon"
Weapons: His claws and teeth, a cleaver, and a scythe.
Powers: "The Beam of Heaven and Hell,"
Other: Slen-der-man is co-ming, to town!

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February 24, 2015 9:38:31pm
    Post: #3 
(You have been accepted)

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February 25, 2015 1:08:02pm
    Post: #4 
(Start whenever you are ready cause it seems no one else is signing up)

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February 25, 2015 2:01:07pm
    Post: #5 
I was in my old house out in the middle of the woods, the government had left me alone for the past few years, and I've lived happily ever since. I never age, well, because, I just don't. I can still die though, just not from old age, which is why I don't go out in public unless necessary. I went outside, and looked at the woods that surrounded my cottage. It was a tiny two-story 3 bedroom house. I decided to sit on the dry grass on this warm summer's evening.

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February 25, 2015 2:16:15pm
    Post: #6 
Johnathan called the rebellion together for a meeting. "I have good news, we have found the area that Lucas Kyargo is in, we are planning a major attack to finally bring him to justice. Aim to kill if necessary. We have amassed 3000 men to go on this mission, good luck." Johnathan said bluntly.

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February 25, 2015 2:38:43pm
    Post: #7 
I was doing my own thing until I got a call, I sighed and picked up. After an hour of talking, I knew I was to be dragged into this war.

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February 25, 2015 2:42:16pm
    Post: #8 
Around 300 of Lucas's troops, led by Python, were marching by Ace's house.

"Uh, ah, Dad!" Adrian yelled.

"What is it?" Matt said.

"You might want to tell Johnathan, 300 blips on the radar heading our way." Adrian said.

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February 25, 2015 2:50:46pm
    Post: #9 
I heard a noise and flew up, staring at the troops.

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February 25, 2015 2:52:29pm
    Post: #10 
The robots kept marching in perfect unison, focusing on their destination, until C2 turned around. "Someone's in the air." He said.

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February 25, 2015 2:53:52pm
    Post: #11 
I just kept watching.

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February 25, 2015 2:55:59pm
    Post: #12 
"Break off 10 men to keep an eye on the man in the air, the rest, continue to your destination." Python said. 10 of the robots split from the group to keep an eye on Ace.

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February 25, 2015 3:21:52pm
    Post: #13 
I just stared at them and flew above the moving ones.

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February 25, 2015 3:24:45pm
    Post: #14 
"He's still following us." C2 said.

"Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away." C1 chuckled.

"No time for jokes, keep an eye on him." Python said.

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February 25, 2015 3:26:04pm
    Post: #15 
I just kept following.

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