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Pokemon Creed Forums < Ralt's Roleplaying Center < Pokemon; The Five Creeds.
Pokemon; The Five Creeds.
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Pokemon; The Five Creeds.
May 02, 2015 3:15:53pm
    Post: #1 
Pokemon; The Five Creeds.
Set 4000 years before Gen 1.
1 region torn asunder by belief, now what used to be 1 glorious region is now split into 5:
Tenkari (Highly respected, righteous, powerful and intelligent people who believe that a Golden dragon descended from on high created everything (Only Use Golden Pokemon.)
Ni'iro (The people of this region are flamboyant, selfish, arrogant and snobbish. They believe that a rainbow coloured rose pokemon created the force known as nature. Only use Rainbow)
Kukage (These people are highly skilled in the way of the ninja. They have the ability to shroud themselves in shadows, create clones of themselves and teleport. These people are often hired by other region's leaders in order to kill other region's leaders.The will not refrain from using weapons such as kunai and katana in order to defeat their enemies. They believe in a ninja frog pokemon who was forever shrouded in shadows who bestowed upon these people the powers of a true ninja. Only use shadow)
Aokari (Although the people of this region are the most powerful of the 5 regions, they will not participate in any form of conflict unless completely necessary. These people are known as The Balancers of Peace. The people of this region believe in a heavenly blue dragon which created the creator. Luminous)
Akayami (The people of this region are evil, battle thirsty barbarians whose only objective is to kill and create chaos. The belkefs of these people are completely opposite to those of Tankari. They believe in a pokemon created by the created who turned against the creator. This pokemon is shrouded in an evil black and bloodred aura.
To Enter the RP state your;
Starter: (If for e.g. You chose Tenkai, your starter must be a golden pokemon, doen't have to be on creed's lists)

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May 02, 2015 3:28:40pm (This post was last modified: May 02, 2015 3:30:13pm by Aster1.)
    Post: #2 
Pokemon; The Five Creeds.
(Quick add-on; Each Region has a King/Queen and a Prince/Princess, King/Queen being 1st in command, prince/ess being Second, First nine to take part can choose to be a king,queen, prince, princess of their chosen region.)

Name; Aster
Region; Tenkari.
Starter;Golden Treecko.
Breif Description: Dark brown hair(Reaches bottom of neck, ponytail) Wearing a gold plated long sleeved haori. Loose baggy white trousers and white getta. Personality; A less serious Kuchiki Byakuya.
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