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Fnaf RP, privete!
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Fnaf RP, privete!
August 19, 2015 9:08:12pm (This post was last modified: August 19, 2015 9:14:12pm by NightmareMoon.)
    Post: #1 
Fnaf RP, privete!
Only ShinyLiepard and me can join

So basicly its a redo of the first rp I made, the Fnaf RP,

basic form.


my characters.

Name: Alice
Appearance: siggy again XD
Other: Amami's little sister

Name: Amami
Appearance: in meh siggy

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 19, 2015 9:10:35pm
    Post: #2 
Name: Ace
Age: 14
Appearance: You know
Gender: M
Other: Potatoes
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August 19, 2015 9:13:17pm
    Post: #3 
(Okies, crap, XD I forgot to put her name as Amami and put Alice in there, just a sec ima edit XD my bad)

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 19, 2015 11:43:30pm
    Post: #4 
Aight then :3
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August 20, 2015 12:55:33am
    Post: #5 
(There, lets start =3)
Amami and Alice were in school, Alice was touring the high school and avoided pretty much everyone but her sister.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 20, 2015 1:04:49am
    Post: #6 
I was at home, skipping school.
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August 20, 2015 1:08:25am
    Post: #7 
Amami showed her around the school. "Should I really go here....." Alice asked. "Yes! you could have so many friends!" Amami stated.
*I don't need people though....* Alice thought.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 20, 2015 1:16:44am
    Post: #8 
I was playing video games.
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August 20, 2015 1:19:15am
    Post: #9 
Amami called Ace, looking annoyed since he was skipping again.

Alice was lost in the art gallery on the wall.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 20, 2015 1:20:24am
    Post: #10 
"Yellllooooo?" I say.
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August 20, 2015 1:22:02am
    Post: #11 
"Why aren't you at school? I told you my sister was coming, you were supposed to help me tour her!" She stated.
Alice was looking at one of a phone, covered in webs and blood stains, she found it oddly interesting.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 20, 2015 1:25:48am
    Post: #12 
"That was today, whoops, I'll make it up to ya, aight? Let's all of us go to Fazbear's Pizza," I say.
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August 20, 2015 1:28:53am
    Post: #13 
"I donno..." She looked at her sister. "that place always freaked her out.." She told Ace. "Maybe...she needs it, she hasn't been talking to anyone lately.." She stated.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 20, 2015 1:43:29am
    Post: #14 
"Meet me at the place after school." I say.
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August 20, 2015 1:53:59am
    Post: #15 
Amami smiled. "Okay, I'll drag her along too." she stated. "Bye!" She hung up and walked ot her sister. "I want oyu to mmet my best friend tonight." She stated.
"Isn't this the one that as supposed to help you..." Alice asked blankly. "Yes....but he appologized, trust me, you'll like him!" Amami said cheerfully.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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