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Time Mercenaries RP
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Time Mercenaries RP
August 23, 2015 2:13:48pm (This post was last modified: August 23, 2015 5:08:33pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #1 
Time Mercenaries RP
Kinda self explanatory. We travel through certain time frames to take out targets. Payment is high, but so is risk, if ya get caught, ya better find a way out, cause no one's gonna help ya, we need to stay hidden, for all anyone else knows we fit in with whatever groups paying us, whether it's a rebellion, a gang, or an army.


Sign up sheet:

1. Basics (No puppeting, g-modding, etc.)

Current Mercenaries:

Edward Markus Alverara
Chrysalis Sader

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August 23, 2015 3:41:53pm
    Post: #2 
Name: Chrysalis Sader
Age: 25
Gender: F
Species: Changling
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Other: Can change into any appearance, weather it's an animal or just having a differant appearance she can change into it. Her main appearance is the picture above.

Name: Zelena
Age: 22
Gender: F
Species: the result of a pokemon DNA to human splice
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Other: doesn't talk much, main weapons are sniper riffles, bows and swords.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 23, 2015 4:52:33pm
    Post: #3 

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August 23, 2015 5:06:56pm
    Post: #4 
Name: Nadia
Age: 13
Gender: F
Species: Pyrokinetic
Appearance : I think you guys know by now XD
Other: Absolutely hates time lords

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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August 23, 2015 5:09:33pm (This post was last modified: August 23, 2015 5:10:08pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #5 
Time Mercenaries RP
(Accepted, we can start)

Edward was smoking a cigar, looking through contracts

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August 23, 2015 5:13:04pm
    Post: #6 
I was playing darts with throwing knives on a rubber chicken.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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August 23, 2015 5:15:11pm
    Post: #7 
"Rays got another contract for us." Edward said

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August 23, 2015 5:16:15pm
    Post: #8 
"Oh God..." I muttered.
((Gtg, be back on soon.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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August 23, 2015 5:19:32pm
    Post: #9 
(K, bye)

"Apparently Rays leading a dictatorship and Lucas is trying to revolt." Edward said. "We each pocket 5 grand if we pull this off."

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August 23, 2015 5:46:24pm
    Post: #10 
Zelena was sharpening a knife on a whetstone.
"Hmph, 5? thats a big pocket, whats the catch? any fine print on that thing?" Chrysalis asked.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 23, 2015 5:53:01pm
    Post: #11 
"Yeah, If Lucas takes the main tower or kills any of Rays generals, we don't see a dime." Edward said

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August 23, 2015 5:56:31pm
    Post: #12 
Zelena put her dagger down. "What if we decline?" She asked. "Not that im gonna turn down 5gs but what if?" She asked.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 23, 2015 6:51:10pm
    Post: #13 
"Our biggest contractor cuts us off." Edward said. "We lose out on thousands in the future."

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August 23, 2015 10:13:54pm
    Post: #14 
Zelena nodded. "So our lives are on the line again, sweet.." She muttered.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 23, 2015 10:14:36pm
    Post: #15 
"Why exactly should we help Ray? He's a snobby d*** who totally messed up that awful town in the last RP we were in..." I muttered.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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