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Post Deletion
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Post Deletion
October 26, 2015 4:14:30am
    Post: #1 
Post Deletion
Well, at the moment, only staff can delete posts made on the forums. My suggestion is that the players could also delete their posts.
I have a few threads that I would like to delete for reasons such as a staff locked them, so I can't edit them to fix stuff. (what's the point of having two threads?) So it would be useful to be able to delete them myself, instead of pestering the staff, who may or may not decide to delete them.
And yes, I do realize that some people may take advantage of this, and do stuff like post something that violates the rules and then delete it before the staff members see. But I do also think that a lot of members who WON'T abuse it will benefit from this.
Rate out of 10 and explain why?

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October 26, 2015 1:41:50pm
    Post: #2 
Ok shinxey rating it 9 cause you already pointed out the negative of it and yet speaking the truth some may also misuse them to an extend that staffs may have banned a post and they would delete and repost it ,frankly i think maybe it should be given a particular requirement like to have a minimum of 1000 posts to delete a post or so
if you can add it it would may help,
anyways it is necessary to be implemented
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October 28, 2015 1:25:15am
    Post: #3 
Yeah, that would cut back on spammers and such by adding a requirement like that.

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November 03, 2015 8:30:16pm
    Post: #4 
I have always wanted that implemented, but finally someone has spoken out! Lol. Yeah, I think there should be a required amount of posts before deleting one post like Shadow Adi said. All in all, great suggestion and hopefully it will be taken into consideration!

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November 12, 2015 12:48:46am
    Post: #5 
Thanks for the feedback. :)
(bumping up)

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January 12, 2016 2:56:55am
    Post: #6 

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^smol grape boi

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January 12, 2016 5:50:28pm
    Post: #7 
Why not make it so you need 3k posts to do it? *Winks*

Anyways I agree with you all the way, Buddy. So... 10/10 from me (Although Da Man probs won't implement it due to being a lazybones.)

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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January 12, 2016 10:00:07pm
    Post: #8 
yeah i want that too.

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January 13, 2016 1:32:42am
    Post: #9 
I guess it's a nice suggestion! But there should be a requirement to delete a post/thread like Shadow adi said!

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January 13, 2016 1:39:04am
    Post: #10 
It would be great if we can delete our own post.
I like this suggestion. 8/10.
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January 14, 2016 11:46:51am
    Post: #11 

I took a few rating points off for the following reasons:

- Suppose someone does get the power to delete their post, what if they refuse to delete their posts that are either spammy/not supposed to be in that specific section? Then we'd still have to get a staff member to delete the post, thread, etc.

- Like you've already previously stated, people may utilize the power to delete their posts by posting something in violation of the rules, and then deleting that specific post.

- What if they "accidentally" delete the wrong post? Suppose I get on Banned game and accidentally double posted and deleted the very first post on that thread by accident?

I'll think of more reasoning when I get home from school.

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January 17, 2016 7:09:47am
    Post: #12 
When I first joined the game 4 years ago there WAS post deletion feature. It isn't now so something must've happened to remove it. ( something serious) so I believe this won't get implemented.
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