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Minigame and Clan credits idea
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Minigame and Clan credits idea
November 09, 2015 2:37:51pm (This post was last modified: November 12, 2015 4:06:29pm by erebus95.)
    Post: #1 
Minigame and Clan credits idea
Hi there i would like to suggest some ideas

For minigame first, it would be cool to have a somewhat easy minigame example hit that pokemon which would gives points (but those points will only be for minigames and not anything else) and exchange them for coins or pokemon, or something else (i am talking about a minigame shop kind of thing)

And second is about clan credits, sure is good to get 400k per battle but i think it should be good to be able to have a clan upgrade where you can increase the cap and of course it would be no easy matter to do that upgrade
OR make it so that trainer lvl determines how much clan credits someone get, this may be unfair but i believe it will get some players motivation to train more

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