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Bank Deletes my money!!
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Bank Deletes my money!!
November 26, 2015 11:15:28pm
    Post: #1 
Bank Deletes my money!!
I'm extremely discouraged to play now. I've accumulated over $1,000,000,000 and inputted this money into my bank. One refresh later, and all the money inputted into the bank was deleted! I've experimented a bit and found that any money inputted is deleted forever, and the bank $ doesn't change. It took over 2 hours to accumulate that and now it's all gone. If anyone knows what this is, please tell me.

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November 26, 2015 11:42:42pm
    Post: #2 
Sounds like you have hit the money cap. Don't panic! All it means is that you have the most amount of cash you can carry. If you go over the cap, all the money gets deleted. That's what the problem is.

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November 26, 2015 11:43:52pm
    Post: #3 
Phew, that takes a bunch off my mind. Thank you so much!
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November 27, 2015 1:06:26am
    Post: #4 
As shinxey said, bank can only hold upto 2,147,483,647$. If you deposit more than that, the money will be deleted. Thats it.

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