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Operation Izland: auto-accept Pokemon RP
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Operation Izland: auto-accept Pokemon RP
December 20, 2015 9:18:53pm (This post was last modified: December 20, 2015 9:22:06pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #1 
Operation Izland: auto-accept Pokemon RP
Welcome to the region, but I hope you're not expecting a tour. Look anywhere; you won't find any maps of this place. Do you recognize most of the pokemon out there? Well, of course you don't. But that's why you're here!

You are apart of our newest exploration team: Operation Izland. You are here to explore this new region, along with your comrades. You'll start off on an island and from there, you're on your own. To your bosses - the Lab Professors of each region - it doesn't matter how long it takes to get towns, gyms, a new Elite Four and other such things set-up. For you all, it's a fresh and fun start in this new region. Good luck, kid.

You're going to need it.

1. No controlling other player's characters without their permission.
2. No god-modding. This includes making unavoidable attacks and dodging all attacks.
3. For fights and interactions (physical or mental), have your character aim to hit the other character. For example: Jerry aimed to punch Charlie in the face. Charlie's roleplayer then has permission to decide whether or not the attack hits or not.
4. Only 3 dodges in a row can be used, to make things fair.
5. No mary-sues, 100% perfect characters, etc.
6. Notice how there's no rules on Pokemon; as in, feel free to make up your own Pokemon if you want. Or you can have canon Pokemon - whatever floats your boat! They can have whatever moves you want, over 4 moves, any kind of ability, etc., but remember that the above rules still apply.
7. Once you make your form and I (or the mods) accept it, you can start roleplaying.

* The divisions are Trainers, Breeders, Coordinators, Civilians, Team Rocket members, Professors, Police and Rangers.


Name: Jane Willickers
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years
Division: Civilian
Pokemon: (Rocky) Turtwig, (Maloo) Unknown species; water-steel typed monkey with blue, iron fur.
Personality: Helpful, intelligent, introverted, ambitious, harsh, money-minded
Appearance: White-haired kid with long tresses and pink eyes. Has pale skin. Wears white suit with black cuffs, buttons and a tie.
Backstory: Her father, a wealthy business owner that helps supply resources for the Devon Company, told Jane about the trip. Jane, tired of school and afraid that she'd just end up failing the whole year, decided to go on the exploration. She began having second doubts, but she knew it was way too late to turn back. Now, she's stuck in the region with the rest of the team.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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December 20, 2015 11:11:47pm
    Post: #2 
Name: Scratch// Volt
Gender: F// M
Age: 14// 16
Division: "Ranger" except she works for the evils and not the goods.// Same, but he's just Scratch's assistant.
Pokemon: Liepard, Sylveon, Hydreigon, Lucario, Charizard, Weavile.// Luxray, Manectric, Raichu, Electivire, Ampharos, Jolteon
Personality: Dark, cynical// Happy, bubbly, cheery, VERY SMART
Appearance: Will post a pic for both :D
Backstory: Yeaahhhnoooo for both...
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December 21, 2015 6:00:00am (This post was last modified: December 21, 2015 6:02:11am by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #3 
Operation Izland: auto-accept Pokemon RP
This form looks good to go! I have to ask some questions first, though. By 'evils', does that mean they work for Team Rocket or some other kind of evil? Also, I need to Scratch to have at least one positive character trait and Volt to have one negative character trait. Once those two adjustments are made, you're allowed to start roleplaying!

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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December 21, 2015 12:19:41pm
    Post: #4 
((The evils is an evil organization. As far as their character traits go, Volt is usually happy, he CAN be sad or serious or angry, like any other human but, he's not much of a negative person altogether. However for Scratch, she is usually serious and always facepalming at Volt's stupid jokes/comments. She CAN be happy, though, like any other human. She's not that way most of the time. She just wants to get the job done, basically. ))
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December 22, 2015 2:33:04am
    Post: #5 
Accepted! Going to start the roleplay off now:

Jane walked out from the plane that had brought her on the island, feeling sick to her stomach with nausea. Her Turtwig burst out of its pokeball in a beam of light, though rather than being delighted, Jane winced and put on an annoyed scowl. The Turtwig, looking real smug, stomped its foot in demand. "Oh, you little-!!" She muttered something inaudible before taking an oran berry out of her shirt's upper pocket and tossing it at the pokemon's face. The pokemon had been too busy chortling at his trainer's flustered expression; the berry hit the grass-type smack-dab on his nose.

The pokemon gave a muffled squeal of shock, flinching in place. The berry rolled in front of him afterwords. His laughter louder now, he walked up to the berry and stuffed it into his mouth, cackles still erupting despite the fruit. Jane sat down, criss-crossing her legs and holding her stomach dizzily. "I don't know what's worse: this place or school!"

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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