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Banned people
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Banned people
January 24, 2016 1:01:07pm
    Post: #1 
Banned people
I hate seeing all the banned peoples goods just sitting there and doing nothing - I'm sure you've had that feeling too.
My suggestion is that people banned for a long time- their stuff should be raffled out or sold.
Plz take this into consideration

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January 25, 2016 4:29:22am
    Post: #2 
I suggested something very similar to this a little while back just on a broader spectrum... There were maybe 3 people who sort of agreed a little bit, otherwise people really didn't take it to well. I'm with you on this 100%, but I'd advise you not to hope for much acceptance on it. With over 100 views on my thread and under 10 replies (2 of which were me) looks like most people who saw it didn't even take it seriously enough to reply. While the people who replied in disagreement seemed rather condescending about it and couldn't even see instances where this would be helpful or why.
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January 25, 2016 12:19:21pm
    Post: #3 
In all honesty, this has been suggested by beginners several times, and in almost all cases; they were looking for themselves to get rich fast.
But, I do believe that they already do this. Because iirc, mewtwo2000 had a CursedMew, which is now owned by someone... Now his account only has 6 normal Pokemon.

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Made by Oscah!
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January 25, 2016 2:27:16pm
    Post: #4 
That seems like a really large assumption to say people are just looking to get rich fast. The only way to know that is if you actually asked them and they confirmed that. In my case I see it completely useless to allow promos and items to stay in an account that won't be active ever again, or can't be active due to a ban or freeze. Instead of people asking why I think it's a good idea I'm basically told I'm stupid and greedy. I'm not looking to get rich, I'm stating the obvious. It should be obvious that leaving stuff in unused accounts is just bad. If the items/pokemon were made available whether they're free or if they need to be purchased at an appropriate price then I don't care, whatever works best and has the most equal opportunity should be used. If I wanted something that had become available and had to pay, then I'd just pay for it exactly like everyone else would have to. If this is somehow happening then it should be made public and the knowledge of how to get those items/pokemon should be made available so that everyone has a fair chance at it. If the information is basically underground and kept private among a few then it's by no means fair is it? While most information for things within the game is relatively easy to find, I've found nothing on this which makes gives it the appearance of not happening causing me to suggest it should be. If it really is happening, then it appears to be happening in secret, in which case that's unfair to everyone.

Also, how are we supposed to know what's already been suggested or not? I've tried the forums very basic search feature tons of times and it doesn't seem to work. Nothing I search for provides any results even when searching the most common of keywords. There's no way I'm going to dig through 129 pages of suggestions just to figure out if I should even bother and clearly I shouldn't have seeing as all I've learned is that people think I'm stupid and greedy... -_-"
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January 25, 2016 5:30:45pm
    Post: #5 
from what I know (hear) Zapdos (and other Admins) have removed stuffs from banned accounts in the past, and put them in a storage account to used toward contests, so most likely when they run out of stuffs they will remove more stuffs out of more banned accounts but for now they got enough pokemon to last them for awhile.

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January 26, 2016 3:44:52am (This post was last modified: January 26, 2016 3:46:40am by Erigor.)
    Post: #6 
Banned people
January 25, 2016 2:27:16pmZeek Wolffe Wrote:  That seems like a really large assumption to say people are just looking to get rich fast. The only way to know that is if you actually asked them and they confirmed that. In my case I see it completely useless to allow promos and items to stay in an account that won't be active ever again, or can't be active due to a ban or freeze. Instead of people asking why I think it's a good idea I'm basically told I'm stupid and greedy. I'm not looking to get rich, I'm stating the obvious. It should be obvious that leaving stuff in unused accounts is just bad. If the items/pokemon were made available whether they're free or if they need to be purchased at an appropriate price then I don't care, whatever works best and has the most equal opportunity should be used. If I wanted something that had become available and had to pay, then I'd just pay for it exactly like everyone else would have to. If this is somehow happening then it should be made public and the knowledge of how to get those items/pokemon should be made available so that everyone has a fair chance at it. If the information is basically underground and kept private among a few then it's by no means fair is it? While most information for things within the game is relatively easy to find, I've found nothing on this which makes gives it the appearance of not happening causing me to suggest it should be. If it really is happening, then it appears to be happening in secret, in which case that's unfair to everyone.

Also, how are we supposed to know what's already been suggested or not? I've tried the forums very basic search feature tons of times and it doesn't seem to work. Nothing I search for provides any results even when searching the most common of keywords. There's no way I'm going to dig through 129 pages of suggestions just to figure out if I should even bother and clearly I shouldn't have seeing as all I've learned is that people think I'm stupid and greedy... -_-"

I mean, most of the people that have already "suggested" something similar to this, later came on chat and was like "Where are the contests at?"

As far as the search, I typically either use Google or the forum search feature. (There's a "thread author" search feature AND a "keyword in title" feature)

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Made by Oscah!
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January 26, 2016 4:36:05am (This post was last modified: January 26, 2016 4:39:12am by Zeek Wolffe.)
    Post: #7 
Banned people
I'm not much of a believer in just the word of mouth based on the whispers of others. I seek hard evidence...
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If that's them, then there's proof at least something is sort of happening in the background.

Again, when I search for anything on the actual forum search I literally come up with no results. Even when searching a keyword as common as 'pokemon' I get nothing. Searching by author I get some results, but that's not going to help me much if I need a general search as would apply to knowing if something has already been suggested or not. Probably some kind of bug if it works for everyone else. Searching from Google's main page I'll occasionally get something somewhat relevant to what I was searching for, but this does not happen often.

To anybody who is annoyed with people making this kind of suggestion. Here's a thought, instead of looking down on them for it maybe just give them the answer they're looking for. Just tell them it's already happening if it is and don't judge them based on the dates of their profile. Be honest with yourself and admit that you can't know what their intention is unless they deliberately tell you. And Regardless of what their intention is maybe at least give them a pat on the back for actually trying to participate in the community and try to help make it better, even if their first few attempts have been shoved aside. Being on here longer shouldn't automatically make anyone superior to anyone else! Starting out on here is hard enough without a bunch of people breathing superiority down your neck to the point that it makes you feel unwelcome.
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January 26, 2016 6:16:02am
    Post: #8 
Well first of all, people who got it, got it by themselves! So even if they are banned they might not want it to be taken from them. Also, if the pokes(rares) get more active then the rates will fall down and then this game will have no meaning

Lf bug type coloureds !
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January 26, 2016 11:23:36am
    Post: #9 
January 26, 2016 6:16:02amyathinsrao Wrote:  Well first of all, people who got it, got it by themselves! So even if they are banned they might not want it to be taken from them. Also, if the pokes(rares) get more active then the rates will fall down and then this game will have no meaning

What are you talking about? This game already has no meaning thanks to Alan Du.

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Made by Oscah!
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January 26, 2016 1:06:51pm
    Post: #10 
Besides that the people were banned for a reason. Seeing as the most common reasons are botting and cheating, they really shouldn't get to keep all the stuff they botted and cheated to get! Sure they get a nice spot on the wall of shame, but allowing them to keep everything is like still allowing them some glory which they clearly don't deserve. If they didn't really earn it then they shouldn't get to keep it. The stuff should go to someone much more deserving of it especially if it's just sitting around gathering digital dust.
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January 26, 2016 5:23:28pm
    Post: #11 
I think I have an improved idea
When a player gets permanently banned, an option pops up that allows them to donate all of their Pokemon to a Contest Account.

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January 26, 2016 9:18:36pm
    Post: #12 
good job seab 2
on with you 100%
my old account is locked for some idiotic reason and my cursed steelix is sitting there dying
would this count as banned or what
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