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Trade cap bias
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Trade cap bias
May 26, 2016 12:00:41pm
    Post: #1 
Trade cap bias
i see players with trainer:2000 but owing pokemons with level 10000 i know they r old players when their as no trade cap but isnt it unfair towards new players!!!
so shoudnt we remove trade cap in loaning pokes of higher level to newer player so that they can train pokes and have some interest in training!!!

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May 26, 2016 10:50:12pm
    Post: #2 
If it exceeds their trade cap, then a moderator has to transfer it for them. For example, if their trade cap is 2k, then to transfer a level 8k from another account, they have to give it to a moderator and have them transfer it.
As for the cap, I definitely think it should be raised some, since the maximum level you can trade is 15k. So basically at that point, any Pokemon over level 15k is useless in that regard.
Other than that, the trading system is pretty fair. Back when Creed was first made, there was no cap, and people could send others level 10ks for fun (but those were also a lot harder to come by than they are now). I'm not saying that people DID, just that they COULD. And the cap was placed there to make it harder to get higher levels, and to make the high levels worth more. Because I mean, look at the level system nowadays. Pretty much anyone can train to level 1k, so level 1ks are virtually useless as of now. Heck, I can train a base Pokemon to level 1k in less than 5 minutes. :L Level 5ks went next. They're also extremely common, making them also virtually useless. Next went the 10ks. They're really common now, and also virtually useless. Next it's going to be the 15ks and so on. Back in that day, it was extremely rare to see Pokemon over something like 5k. Now practically everyone's got a team full of Pokemon that are at least level 10k.
So the trade cap preserved SOME of their rarity. But that can also be bypassed with the loan system. Loan a Pokemon to someone, and they can train it as high as they want, and you'll still be able to get it back regardless of your trade cap. So that kinda butchers it.
You think it's hard now? Try going back to 2010 when everything was a lot harder.

And one more thing. A lot of these newbies that are whining about the trading system are spoiled brats who want everything handed to them for free without working. Hate me for it if you want, but in my opinion, it's not strict enough. It's so easy for them to loan something and have it come back a few hours later at like level 10k. Where's working for anything anymore?

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May 27, 2016 5:44:39am
    Post: #3 
May 26, 2016 10:50:12pmShinxey Wrote:  If it exceeds their trade cap, then a moderator has to transfer it for them. For example, if their trade cap is 2k, then to transfer a level 8k from another account, they have to give it to a moderator and have them transfer it.
As for the cap, I definitely think it should be raised some, since the maximum level you can trade is 15k. So basically at that point, any Pokemon over level 15k is useless in that regard.
Other than that, the trading system is pretty fair. Back when Creed was first made, there was no cap, and people could send others level 10ks for fun (but those were also a lot harder to come by than they are now). I'm not saying that people DID, just that they COULD. And the cap was placed there to make it harder to get higher levels, and to make the high levels worth more. Because I mean, look at the level system nowadays. Pretty much anyone can train to level 1k, so level 1ks are virtually useless as of now. Heck, I can train a base Pokemon to level 1k in less than 5 minutes. :L Level 5ks went next. They're also extremely common, making them also virtually useless. Next went the 10ks. They're really common now, and also virtually useless. Next it's going to be the 15ks and so on. Back in that day, it was extremely rare to see Pokemon over something like 5k. Now practically everyone's got a team full of Pokemon that are at least level 10k.
So the trade cap preserved SOME of their rarity. But that can also be bypassed with the loan system. Loan a Pokemon to someone, and they can train it as high as they want, and you'll still be able to get it back regardless of your trade cap. So that kinda butchers it.
You think it's hard now? Try going back to 2010 when everything was a lot harder.

And one more thing. A lot of these newbies that are whining about the trading system are spoiled brats who want everything handed to them for free without working. Hate me for it if you want, but in my opinion, it's not strict enough. It's so easy for them to loan something and have it come back a few hours later at like level 10k. Where's working for anything anymore?

so now new will be paying someone else for level gain o their own isnt it bad thing that a trainer cant borrow a higher level poke and train himself atleast remove cap on borrow pokes thats wht i meant!
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May 27, 2016 2:35:27pm
    Post: #4 
Agreed shinx.Oh yeah drakulara u meant bs like yourself because your being a whiny noob
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May 27, 2016 3:15:56pm
    Post: #5 
May 27, 2016 2:35:27pmlittlemadcluck Wrote:  Agreed shinx.Oh yeah drakulara u meant bs like yourself because your being a whiny noob
says the bs cheater who has a 10 k lugia but has a trainer level 6k nice !!! talk like thst because we know u cant train!!!
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May 27, 2016 4:46:26pm
    Post: #6 
Shut up your a spoiled brat I ****in hate you stop being an asshole I have already had a bad day scum
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May 27, 2016 7:11:54pm
    Post: #7 
May 27, 2016 4:46:26pmlittlemadcluck Wrote:  Shut up your a spoiled brat I ****in hate you stop being an asshole I have already had a bad day scum

lol nice frustration only loosers like you get frustrated at games!!!sore looser you are !!
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May 27, 2016 8:11:46pm
    Post: #8 
Okay, break it up guys. Break it up. Both of you are acting like children. Just calm down. Take a deep breath. Feel a little better?

Now, as for the cap thing, I still think it should be the same, even on the loaning system, for the same reasons as I mentioned before. Especially since, as I also mentioned, you could just have them loan you a base Pokemon and train it to level 10k and send it back regardless of their trade cap, thus bypassing it. As long as it's sent as a loan, it won't matter how high it's trained. You'll still be able to get it back.
So that's already a loophole in the trading system that bypasses the trade cap.

May 27, 2016 3:15:56pmdrakulara Wrote:  says the bs cheater who has a 10 k lugia but has a trainer level 6k nice !!! talk like thst because we know u cant train!!!

Also, I want to make a comment here. Back when I first joined, (the next year, actually), I paid someone to train one of my Pokemon to level 3k. And my cap was only something like 700. And then later, I paid again to have it bumped to 6k, and finally 10k (but the person was nice enough to bump it to 11k). Want to know why? It's because I wanted a higher level to train my team easier. I'll admit it. I was being a bit lazy. What's to say he wasn't doing it for a similar reason because he doesn't have time to sit here all day or something similar? Even though I've been training my own teams, does that make me a loser, too, since I paid for training some time ago? Nope. It doesn't.
And yes, I am aware that placing a stricter trade cap in regards to trade would penalize me as well, and I'm fine with that.
Overall, I don't think it should be removed, not even for the loaning system.

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May 28, 2016 1:12:13pm
    Post: #9 
no drakulara has a point you cant rage on someone else when youre having a bad day

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