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Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Market/Trades < LF ShinyEspurr
LF ShinyEspurr
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LF ShinyEspurr
August 05, 2016 11:51:11am (This post was last modified: August 09, 2016 2:16:21am by Engetsu.)
    Post: #1 
LF ShinyEspurr
I'm LF (possibly) all the ShinyEspurrs, offering 5k each. (Possibly more depending on the situation)

AWESOME2 ruined it all by constantly creating trades without approval.

"Don't beg for things. Do it yourself, or else you won't get anything."
#Billers If you're not a Biller, don't join.
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August 05, 2016 1:00:50pm
    Post: #2 
having 5 sy.espurrs..

25k for all ?

Ash Pikachu #397039
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August 06, 2016 6:48:52am
    Post: #3 
Well what's so special in espurrs?

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August 06, 2016 12:37:28pm
    Post: #4 
ShinyEspurr is my favorite shiny. @tanmay
Um, create. @ash pikachu (I will be going off of "The List." rates, and if they don't add up to 25k I will delete the trade and block you if it goes higher.)

"Don't beg for things. Do it yourself, or else you won't get anything."
#Billers If you're not a Biller, don't join.
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