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Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Ideas/Suggestions < WTP Leaderboard
WTP Leaderboard
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WTP Leaderboard
July 04, 2018 1:55:26am
    Post: #1 
WTP Leaderboard
So out of all the mini games in the Games Corner, only some have a "leader board" of sorts. For example, when you go to the Fishing Contest, under the page's main attributes you can see the (constantly updated) current and previous leader boards, because the winners are rewarded for their high scores in that game.

Well, since the WTP game also rewards the player with the highest daily score, a similar leader board attribute could be added to that main page to show players who is currently in the lead/how much they need to become the best daily player, like in other games.

Now, the page does currently show the previous day's winner and displays their high score, but this style of leader board, like the one in the Fishing Contest, is not there and I think it would benefit from this.

This is minor and would affect only this small part of game play, but it would be a good, small addition/consideration.

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July 04, 2018 4:29:44pm
    Post: #2 
Tbh, at this point of time, any suggestions don't really hold any significance whatsoever, although they would if v2 adapts a similar version to this creed. Debating on any kind of suggestion would just end with discussion on v2, they're pretty pointless.
Not discouraging you, just throwing out my opinion out here.

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July 04, 2018 5:21:24pm
    Post: #3 
July 04, 2018 4:29:44pmtanmay541091 Wrote:  Tbh, at this point of time, any suggestions don't really hold any significance whatsoever, although they would if v2 adapts a similar version to this creed. Debating on any kind of suggestion would just end with discussion on v2, they're pretty pointless.
Not discouraging you, just throwing out my opinion out here.

Right, I get that and do agree. Nothing else is obviously going to be added to creed yet, until when v2 comes out. Not begging for updates, just tracking ideas. Thanks.
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