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Collection Contest, Oak's Daily, CB Rate, Dip
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Collection Contest, Oak's Daily, CB Rate, Dip
December 09, 2018 12:14:27am (This post was last modified: December 09, 2018 12:16:18am by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Collection Contest, Oak's Daily, CB Rate, Dip

Collection Contest - every 31 days, there is a collection contest with a prize (automatically given at the end) for the top 3 collectors. Pokemon donated must be base and created after the start of each collection contest. In the maps, every 15 steps you take will be a "WTP" captcha challenge, awarding you with 2 coins per entry. It is one way of earning coins. The Collection Contest Pokemon will also be available on every map, and donating the collection Pokemon will be rewarded with coins/$/points/exp.

Oak's Daily Research - Oak is offering a daily reward for 70 faints and donating 4 Pokemon to the collection contest.

Creed Bot now gives ratings (based on Rowl's rate list on the forums, polls them from the thread each time you command CB to do it). For example, type "Rate ShadowLugia". You can sometimes clip off the end of the Pokemon as a shorthand, for example "Rate CursedGira" instead of "Rate CursedGiratina" and "GoldenLug" instead of "GoldenLugia".

Lucky Dip Streaks - instead of resetting it to 0 when you miss a day, it decreases by 5. The first promo snatcher can get a coloured box (depending on the colour of the promo). Approximately every 18 Pokemon faints, you will get a WTP captcha challenge.

Smell ya later,
- Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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