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Pokemon Showdown
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Pokemon Showdown
June 17, 2019 2:07:40am (This post was last modified: June 17, 2019 2:09:49am by RichKidDre.)
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Showdown
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We have our own Showdown chat, and to celebrate I'll be putting out prizes based on battling

Rules to apply:
1. Send a challenge to "Dualot" at the designated link above and win within the designated time.
2. Battling other users and reporting wins to me by leaving a replay in my Discord DMs.

1.Each win against me earns you 1k (once per player, upto 5)
2.Battler of the day wins 3k.
3.Battler of the week wins 2 Boxes + 15k.
4.Battler of the Month: 50$ Cash Prize of your decision and TBD ingame prize

Win times will fall under Creed day time (GMT+2). I will be tallying up your wins manually, so make sure to record your replay wins. Guaranteed 2 months, depending on activity I will keep it going.
Begins Wednesday, June 19th. Familiarize yourself with the stuff in the meantime.

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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[you must login to view images] made by theman1357
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Made by Mother Espeon (thank you :3)

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made by blackheartwarrior :)

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Made be complanboy :)

[you must login to view images]Made by kyogy :)
[you must login to view images] made by Moderator mark :)
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made by kyogy :)
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June 25, 2019 6:53:55pm (This post was last modified: June 25, 2019 9:33:55pm by RichKidDre.)
    Post: #2 
Pokemon Showdown
Week 2: Begins 12AM GMT -8 Wednesday (12 hours from this post), ends next Wednesday 12AM
1.Format is Challenge Cup 1v1
2.Each win against a Creed player earns you 0.5 points, each win against someone with "Aroma" in their name earns you 1 point. [you must login to view links]

Prizes for Week 1 will be sent in 12 hours. Forfeits do not count towards a win starting this week.

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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[you must login to view images] made by theman1357
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Made by Mother Espeon (thank you :3)

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made by blackheartwarrior :)

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Made be complanboy :)

[you must login to view images]Made by kyogy :)
[you must login to view images] made by Moderator mark :)
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made by kyogy :)
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July 04, 2019 7:31:15am (This post was last modified: July 04, 2019 7:35:43am by RichKidDre.)
    Post: #3 
Pokemon Showdown
Week 3 - Best of 3 1v1 Round Robin (Week 1/2), Battle Factory Random Format 6v6 (Incoming Players) - Ends 7/11, GMT -8

Players from Week 1/2 will be able to create their own way to victory this week by playing in the 1v1 format against each other, scheduling a time whenever both are online. Each pairing will play a best of 3, where the player who wins 2/3 takes the match. You will only need to play a BO3 for each player once. Replays MUST be provided. You may of course edit your teams at any time how you like as long as they fall under the 1v1 rules.
[you must login to view links] Pokemon Tiers
[you must login to view links] Sample teams, you may use them for easy access but your opponent could easily know your team.

Points awarded for each match are dependent on how far apart the players are in overall points.
-Within 1.5 point of each other win: Match winner is awarded 5 points.
-2 to 10 points apart: If match winner is the lower total overall of the two, awarded 7 points. Higher total earns 3.
-11 to 20 points: Lower total wins 9 points, higher total wins 2.
-20+: Lower total wins 11 points, higher total wins 1.

The winner of the week and each day (total 21k) will be determined by whoever wins the most matches, and will be able to pick which 2 different colored boxes they would like. Good luck with the shakeup!

Any new players will challenge me to a 6v6 Random Battle Factory battle. You will earn points based on 3 criteria:
1. Number of Super Effective Moves landed.
2. Numbers of Not Super Effective moves/failed I use caused by a switch made by the player.
3. Victory of the match.
You will enter the contest with a set amount on your performance. Good luck!

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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[you must login to view images] made by theman1357
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Made by Mother Espeon (thank you :3)

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made by blackheartwarrior :)

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Made be complanboy :)

[you must login to view images]Made by kyogy :)
[you must login to view images] made by Moderator mark :)
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made by kyogy :)
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