
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Ideas/Suggestions < Random Swap
Random Swap
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Random Swap
August 24, 2012 7:38:16am
    Post: #1 
Random Swap
On random swap we could have it so it shows ur party and under all of your pokemon it says 'Swap this Pokemon' so if we are swapping all are team we don't have to press swap, go to change your team, and do it all over again! It'd be much quicker and id be happy if you could take this into consideration da man! Thanks alan!

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August 24, 2012 9:38:51am
    Post: #2 
Bump Cahoose

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August 24, 2012 9:44:48am (This post was last modified: August 24, 2012 9:47:49am by humour.)
    Post: #3 
Random Swap
Hey not a good idea because almost no one wants to swap their whole team at once and its not possible to get pokemon they want in one or two swaps. and they swap only to get their favorite pokemon or shiny pokes

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August 24, 2012 9:54:09am
    Post: #4 
Not at once! You dont get it!
I mean it's just like normal except it shows ur whole team!
So say normal you had a slowpoke, pikachu, raichu , Golbat and Snorlax in your team!
Normally if it was in that order it would just show slowpoke, but what i mean is if they do my idea it would show it like
Slowpoke Pikachu
Raichu Golbat
Snorlax ------

But if there was a 6th pokemon the sixth pokemon would be the lines, do you get it now! Not swapping the entire team at once it just shows your team annd you select one! It' s just to make things faster if you want to swap more than one! Oh and also i don't swap for favs or shinies i just swap for a strong one!

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August 24, 2012 11:59:38am
    Post: #5 
He means by swaping one of your team not all at once not just showing the first one i rate it 8/10

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August 24, 2012 12:03:25pm
    Post: #6 
thank you pp for understanding!!

Giving away all my things for free!
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August 24, 2012 12:07:37pm
    Post: #7 
Oh like that hmm good idea

Thanks Mad Roby for cloud golett its awesome

some stuff
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" We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police :p"
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August 24, 2012 4:48:54pm
    Post: #8 
9/10. Mabey it can sow other pokes not in ur party that u can sell.

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August 25, 2012 9:22:55am
    Post: #9 

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August 26, 2012 7:10:00am
    Post: #10 

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