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Forum Suggestion
August 27, 2012 8:40:57pm
    Post: #1 
Forum Suggestion
(over 50 pages of posts, so I'm just tossing this out there)

I was thinking that a notification in game and in forum to let someone know that a thread they started has been posted in. So that their not going back and looking at threads that may be dead.

And if a thread hasn't had posts in a week or more an [Inactive] mark will be placed next to it.

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August 27, 2012 9:44:30pm
    Post: #2 
I don't see why not. I like the first idea better than the second, because you can see when the thread has been posted on. So 6.5/10 for both total.
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August 27, 2012 10:23:45pm
    Post: #3 
I don't think these suggestions are necessary. For the first one, no, because what if the thread is from an inactive person, but it is a really popular thread. If the person comes back, they will have 500+ new events. For the second one, why do you need to see if a thread is inactive. If it isn't on the first page in a category, that means its kind of old and there's a probability that no one will post in it again.

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August 28, 2012 12:51:30am
    Post: #4 
i have suggested multiple times and i have never ever gotten an answer back so suggested bfor but good idea
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August 28, 2012 1:04:39am
    Post: #5 
I think they would come in handy, for when a new trainer comes along and likes a topic, but if the topic is dead and still on the first page, how is one supposed to know? It's not dependent on whether the creator of the thread is active or not, it's how active the topic is itself. For instance, I posted in one thread and then I saw the post of the person before me was almost 2 weeks prior. and it was only like 6 threads from the top of the page.

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