
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < Contest - Golurk F - Level 10187 w/Fly
Contest - Golurk F - Level 10187 w/Fly
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Contest - Golurk F - Level 10187 w/Fly
July 21, 2013 8:38:21pm
    Post: #16 
Q1 - Purple or Yellow? Yellow
Q2 - My shoe size? 11
Q3 - Vegeta or Goku? Goku
Q4 - What is Maggie101's gender? (Yeah, i know.) Male
Q5 - How much did i buy my first promo for? 250
Q6 - Do i watch The Jeremy Kyle show? Yes
Q7 - How many people do i have on my friends list on Creed? 200
Q8 - Which football (Soccer) team do i support? Real Madrid
Q9 - 1337 or 9001? 1337
Q10 - Which Pokemon do i want on this game? (It's not in game yet) G.Reshiram
Q11- In my opinion who are the 5 richest people on the game atm? (I think i said this before) Zapdos,Jarenn,Mikehappy,Dualot,pokepop
Q12 - Big bang theory or How i met your mother? BBT
Q13 - Do i own a Ps3 or a Wii? Ps3
Q14 - Pass or shoot? Shoot
Q15 - How many times a week do i play football(soccer)? Everyday!:D
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