
Pokemon Creed Forums < Sunkern's Studying Session < boring subject
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boring subject
August 27, 2014 4:28:30pm
    Post: #31 
i dislike maths,but i like history,social science is my favorite subject

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August 27, 2014 5:11:11pm
    Post: #32 
For me it has to be Art or Science but it all depends
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August 27, 2014 6:03:33pm
    Post: #33 
tbh Math is probably the most boring for me.

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August 29, 2014 9:33:30pm
    Post: #34 
Well in highschool I now have Auto Mechanics, Idk why, But hey, I think it will either be fun or boring considering my summer vacation is still going on :P

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September 21, 2014 2:50:35pm
    Post: #35 
I hate the subject like social, history and economics most. I dont like maths also.
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October 17, 2014 8:45:53pm
    Post: #36 
I honestly don't see why there's so many people hating on History/Geography, it's not THAT bad.

For me, Chemistry is the most boring. I just sit there listening to the Teacher while he's running around the room yelling at the random kids that are consistently talking.

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October 17, 2014 8:51:26pm
    Post: #37 
If you're talking about classes, and not the subjects themselves, I'd have to say that History is boring. My History teacher one year is just like:
"Open your books to blah blah blah page and read it."
Random Student: Teacher, I have a question about XYZ?
Teacher: Just read the darn page... ._.
And then if people were talking, we'd get like a million lectures and waste the whole class period. .-.

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October 17, 2014 9:26:07pm
    Post: #38 
October 17, 2014 8:51:26pmShinxey Wrote:  If you're talking about classes, and not the subjects themselves, I'd have to say that History is boring. My History teacher one year is just like:
"Open your books to blah blah blah page and read it."
Random Student: Teacher, I have a question about XYZ?
Teacher: Just read the darn page... ._.
And then if people were talking, we'd get like a million lectures and waste the whole class period. .-.

Well, anything History/Geographical related I like. But anything science related, you can forget that.

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Made by Oscah!
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October 27, 2014 6:14:16pm
    Post: #39 
P.E. - it's very boring. I've fallen asleep there a couple of times.

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October 28, 2014 1:09:48am
    Post: #40 
History and P.E. In P.E. they literally just make us run laps all day. And in History We read out of our Text Books, and then do work.

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May 17, 2015 9:28:51am
    Post: #41 
history subject is much boring, i feel very sleepy in history period.
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May 21, 2015 5:46:41pm
    Post: #42 
History i don't want to say more, the thought itself makes me asleep ._.
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March 22, 2017 7:25:22am
    Post: #43 
The most boring course I ever took was Introductory Physics because by the time I took it I was already an amateur engineer and did not see the point of using physics knowledge to assist me in building things that I could already build.
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April 06, 2017 6:04:21pm
    Post: #44 
i dont like Geography
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