
Pokemon Creed Forums < Ralt's Roleplaying Center < Steampunk Ronin
Steampunk Ronin
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Steampunk Ronin
January 13, 2015 2:49:34am
    Post: #1 
Steampunk Ronin
This is a choose your own adventure kind of thread, and it will be a story made mostly by those that choose to join. Here is how it works:
1) You give me something to write for the story, whether it's an item to find, a place to visit, or just something to randomly shout at a certain rock named George Arthur Bobington Jr. V.
2) I will read said rock shouting fest and decide whether or not to add it to the story.
3) If I deem it worthy of my story I will add it, and I will be more likely to add something if more people want it.
This will include violence but lets keep romance to a minimum here, because common, who wants to read about an awesome kick butt Ronin kissing a tree or something.
Keep your comments clean as well, no cursing at people, no finger signs, etc.
Also no arguments, and no killing the protagonist, unless there is a reverse and there's a really cool story behind it.
Keep the Basics
Have Fun!

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January 13, 2015 2:51:34am
    Post: #2 
This is the story of a certain Ronin that lived long ago in a galaxy far away. More than likely it was just another dimension, but let's not get too into detail on that. He was minding his own business when he heard something. He didn't know what it was but it sounded interesting, so out of curiosity, he leapt up from where he sat and ran towards it at top speeds.
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