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Into a New World!
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Into a New World!
January 29, 2015 11:28:56pm
    Post: #271 
"James," Edward said. "You're becoming rash. I think you need a break."

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January 29, 2015 11:32:06pm
    Post: #272 
X stepped into the building, where he immediately noticed the two people in the picture, who were talking about something around the lines of Force and Menace. As he looked around, various men in red and black suits surrounded him, "We're going to need you to come with us, Mr. Variales." one of them said before they knocked X out with a taser.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 29, 2015 11:34:47pm
    Post: #273 
"What do you mean?" Deadeye said.

"I mean you should get away from this, you're too vicious, you're not who you used to be." Edward said.

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January 29, 2015 11:40:44pm
    Post: #274 
X awoke in a chair, his eyes blindfolded, his hands bound as well as his legs, "Where am?!" he demanded. A voice spoke, "Right were we want you, you monster." it said. X visualized the area with the vectors, spotting a group of 20 men holding M4A1-S's, aiming at him. "Who are you?!" he demanded again, only to get knocked in the head by one of the stocks.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 29, 2015 11:45:16pm
    Post: #275 
"I'm not who I used to be?" Deadeye said

"Killing isn't supposed to be a pleasure, its only supposed to be a must." Edward said.

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January 29, 2015 11:49:49pm
    Post: #276 
X sighed, panting a bit from the knock, slicing the bonds with the Vectors, and unleashing a Slice Pulse, slicing most of the guards in half. X got up as he cut the blindfold with another vector, staring at the person in front of him. "You." he said as he tossed him aside and headed outside.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 29, 2015 11:51:53pm
    Post: #277 
"What's the point in doing a job if you can't enjoy it?" Deadeye said.

"You have made your life a twisted hell!" Edward said.

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January 30, 2015 12:07:18am
    Post: #278 
X looked outside, "I-I'm in America? How did they..." he said, moving around, himself covered in blood. He called Deadeye on his phone, "I'm going to need some help." he said as he sat down on a bench.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 30, 2015 12:14:51am
    Post: #279 
"Okay, I'll be there." Deadeye said, "Screw you Edward." Deadeye said after he hung up the phone then walked out.

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January 30, 2015 12:17:00am
    Post: #280 
X collapsed onto a bench, gripping his phone as he fell, from behind, a man walked away, with a M4A1-S in hand, still smoking from being fired recently.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 30, 2015 12:17:52am
    Post: #281 
Deadeye drove his motorcycle to where X was.

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January 30, 2015 12:23:59am
    Post: #282 
X was dripping bloody as he was on the ground, "Argh..." he groaned.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 30, 2015 12:24:55am
    Post: #283 
"X!" Deadeye said and picked him up, then he ran him to the nearest hospital.

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January 30, 2015 12:27:28am
    Post: #284 
X came out of it a little bit, making a few words as he mumbled, "Tokyo....those men....shots fired..." he managed to put out as he blacked back into unconsciousness.

"No blood, no sweat, no pain, nothing left behind."
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January 30, 2015 12:30:54am
    Post: #285 
When the doctors got X into the hospital, Deadeye got on his cellphone.

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