
Pokemon Creed Forums < Sunkern's Studying Session < English Language-Descriptive Writing?
English Language-Descriptive Writing?
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English Language-Descriptive Writing?
October 17, 2015 3:41:44pm
    Post: #1 
English Language-Descriptive Writing?
Last week we (set 1 English) were tasked with writing a piece of descriptive writing. We had three scenarios to choose from (to describe), I chose to,*1)'Describe the scene at a fireworks display'.
I have two whole pages, full of phrases verbs adjectives (etc.), I've even made five drafts of this thing but I can't seem to get an effective beginning to my description. If someone could provide me with(/think up) some examples(using this scenario *1) I would be extremely great full... >.>

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October 28, 2015 4:56:04pm
    Post: #2 
I might be too late to answer, but here's an idea. What were they doing right before the fireworks began? Were they at a table eating some salty potato chips and fizzy soda? Or were they lying on the soft green grass, gazing at the sky in anticipation for the fireworks show? It might help to kick things off from there if you describe what the character was doing.

[you must login to view images] Thanks Oscah!
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[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] Thanks BlueLink9001! He made all three of those!
[you must login to view images] Thanks Shinxey!
[you must login to view images] Surprise!
[you must login to view images] Temmie intensifies...
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October 28, 2015 8:45:22pm
    Post: #3 
I don't know why I didn't try to do something like what you've suggested earlier.. >.> (btw, Not late at all. We've had a supply teacher for like a month so we haven't really started the assignment) Thank you for trying to help. :D
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November 04, 2015 2:27:53pm
    Post: #4 
No problem! I'm always happy to help.

[you must login to view images] Thanks Oscah!
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[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] Thanks BlueLink9001! He made all three of those!
[you must login to view images] Thanks Shinxey!
[you must login to view images] Surprise!
[you must login to view images] Temmie intensifies...
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