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New Chat Contests!
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New Chat Contests!
August 16, 2016 4:09:25am (This post was last modified: August 16, 2016 5:32:40am by Contest Account.)
    Post: #1 
New Chat Contests!
Hi there! I'm back with a new contest mode!
It will be held in the chatrooms, whenever a lot of people are on chat.
When I see a lot of people on chat, I will type a random Pokemon that can be obtained from the maps, and the number of them I want you to catch.
So, for example, Rattata 20 will mean you need to catch 20 Rattata.
I will show the prize at the end of the post, and the time limit. The prize will range from coins to colored Pokemon, and you'll get something nice if I ask for a lot of Pokemon :)

In Specific:
When I notice a lot of activity in the chatroom, I will start a contest. (Please note that I'm not always available, so I might not hold a contest even if there are a lot of players online.)
I will post a message in this format: [Pokemon Number Reward: X Time: Y]
Pokemon must be caught AFTER I have started the contest, or they will not count.
When you think you're ready, send a trade to me here.

Here's a link to a page that lists what Pokemon are found in each map.

Happy hunting!

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