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Going In-Depth On Rules
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Going In-Depth On Rules
November 07, 2016 10:28:37am (This post was last modified: November 09, 2016 3:32:34am by Jeffrey0.)
    Post: #1 
Going In-Depth On Rules
Do not swear or use offensive language.

I. Background.

      A. Recently swearing has gone out of hand in the chatroom. It is my belief that it is because of a lack of caring about the rules, and the lack of an actual list of words that you can't use. I can't solve the first problem, but I can solve the second one.

      B. Of course if I just listed swear words without censors, it would go against what I'm trying to achieve. So here is a list of words you ARE allowed to use in the chatroom.

II. The List.

      A. The purpose of this list is the include the words that are "risky:" like a swear but not really one. They are safe to use on chatroom and will not get you banned.

III. Rules.

      A. Swear words not included in this list are against chat rules and will put you at risk of a ban.

      B. Depending on severity, using the following words in a phrase or in a combination with another word will count as swearing.

      C. Please don't try to find a way around the rules so that you can type a swear without really typing it. Self-censoring swears like F*** and slightly altering a swear to make it different from the actual word will still count as swearing.

      D. You may PM me about a word that you think should be included in the chatroom and why you think it would be okay to use in an environment with children in it.
          D1.Please don't use this as an opportunity to swear at me. Sending obvious swear words that should be kept off-limits will result in a freeze.

      E. It is up to me and the other staff member on how we interpret these rules. (Mostly applies to rule C.)

      F. Do not swear in other languages. Although using other languages than English already isn't allowed.


wtf* **
stfu* **
af* **
Frick (Acceptable because of its comedic value)
*According to da man, the "F" word in acronym form is acceptable in chat. Do not use the actual "F" word.
** Word should not be used in a ****ual manner.

IV. Punishment.
      A. If you get banned for swearing, expect a short ban time of a couple hours to a day if it's your first time. However, next offenses will result in longer bans, ranging from 2 days to 1 week. The reason why the ban time becomes so long is because if
           you really do get banned for swearing more than once, it is not because of a mistake, but because of a disregard for rules.

      B. If you see someone swearing on chat, please PM me a screenshot of the entire chat when it was said, if possible. If you ever get banned for anything, the amount of reports you have made will be taken into consideration when I decide the ban length.

Please be mindful of others and remember to respect everyone's feelings. Remember that even if a word is on this list, it doesn't mean it's okay to use it in every post.
Thank you for reading the rules.
I'll see you on chat,

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November 09, 2016 2:08:41am (This post was last modified: April 08, 2017 3:08:06am by Jeffrey0.)
    Post: #2 
Going In-Depth On Rules
Do not type your message in capitals. Maximum amount of capitals is 3 in a word. As well as that, if staff feel that your message includes a considerate amount of capitals in it, it will involve this rule as well.

I. Background.

      A.Instead of just going in-depth with this rule, I'm going to alter the rule itself. The "three caps per word" idea just isn't very practical and limits how people actually want to say something. However this does not mean that you will be able to cap every
        word in a sentence.
        For example, "GUYs I JUSt WON POKemon RAFfle!" is just plain obnoxious and displeases the eye.

II. Change.

      A. Instead of limiting each word to have three caps each, sentences will have a limited amount of words that can be capped. The best way to show this change is by demonstrating a few examples.
            "Guys I just won POKEMON RAFFLE!" okay.
            "I lost FOUR 50/50 trades IN A ROW!" cutting it close, but okay.

III. Technicalities.

      A. Of course you are still allowed to have a capped letter in any word, such as
            "I really don't like America's Presidential Candidates," even if that isn't grammatically correct.

      B. Following grammatical rules such as having a capped letter in each word in the title of a book is also allowed; for example,
            "And Then There Were None."

IV. Punishment.

      A. You will not get banned for one abuse of this rule. You will only be banned if you continue to spam caps after a warning.

      B. If you get banned for caps abuse, expect a really short ban time of an hour or two if it's your first time. However, next offenses will result in longer bans, ranging from several hours to a day. The reason why the ban time becomes so long is because
          if you really do get banned for spamming caps more than once, it is not because of a mistake, but because of a blatant disregard for rules.

      C. If you see someone clearly and ONLY clearly spamming caps on chat, please PM me a screenshot of the entire chat when it was said, if possible. If you ever get banned for anything, the amount of reports you have made will be taken into
          consideration when I decide the ban length.

Hopefully this change should make the chat a less scary place to use caps in. Being unable to use caps as you see fit without being obnoxious is a little sad.
Thank you for reading the rules.
Enjoy chatting,

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November 09, 2016 3:34:56am
    Post: #3 
Do not post Phishing Links.
Do not attempt to scam/cross-trade whilst in the chat room.

I. Background.

      A. It's pretty obvious that this type of behavior shouldn't be allowed and isn't allowed, but some people don't understand what scamming and phishing really are and how severe it can be.

      B. Scamming- the act of swindling, tricking, deceiving.

      C. Phishing- the act of obtaining sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and e-mails by pretending to be an authentic and/or trustworthy site/entity.

II. Scamming on Pokemon Creed.
Scamming covers a wide range of offenses on Creed, such as the following.

      A. Pretending to offer training/coins/other currencies(real life or in game) or items in exchange for something on the other side, and not actually giving the offered items.

      B. Persuading another player to let you on their account, by any means.

      C. Holding a contest and pretending to give away a prize, and not actually giving the prize, for any reason.

      D. Not all examples of scamming are shown here. Actions not listed here can still be considered scamming.

III. Phishing on Pokemon Creed.
There are a few methods of phishing on Creed as well. Here are a few examples.

      A. Linking to another site on PMs/Forums/Chat, and baiting readers with coins, and actually linking to a phishing site.

      B. Pretending to be a staff member and asking for passwords, threatening to ban, etc.

      C. Not all examples of phishing are shown here. Actions not listed here can still be considered phishing.

IV. Punishment.

      A. Scamming and phishing are serious offenses and consequently have serious repercussions. There will be no warnings given for them, and ban times will be fairly long. Expect no less than a week to a permanent ban, if it's serious.

Don't be that guy. Make the world a little nicer so that no parent has to worry about their kids giving away credit card info or e-mails.
Thank you for reading the rules.
I'll be watching over you in chat,

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