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[Guide] - How to Craft
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[Guide] - How to Craft
January 12, 2017 4:33:36pm (This post was last modified: November 23, 2018 12:25:57pm by Big Mac.)
    Post: #1 
[Guide] - How to Craft
Hello everyone,

This thread is purely to help those who would like to start crafting.

  • To craft, simpy go to your home [Your City > Your Home] But if you don't have a home, visit the estate agency.

  • Before you can start crafting, you will need some crafting recipes because you will need the right ingredient for the right finished item, and I will show you a list below:

  • The crafting time for your crafting to be done depends on what type of house you have and the level required. Here's the formula: [Time = Level required x Efficiency]

  • Most of these items can be found in either the Dept. Store and Mart Co. Other items, can be bought from other players.

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Item 1: Fresh Water
Item 2: Bowl
Exp Gained: 1
Level Required: 1
Outcome: Bowl of Water

Item 1: Iron Hammer
Item 2: Wheat
Exp Gained: 4
Level Required: 2
Outcome: Flour

Item 1: Bowl of Water
Item 2: Flour
Exp Gained: 25
Level Required: 5
Outcome: Dough

Item 1: Snowball
Item 2: Carrot
Item 3: Black Hat
Exp Gained: 625
Level Required: 25
Outcome: Snowman's Head

** [Can change your Avatar to a Snowman]

Item 1: Masterball
Item 2: Fresh Water
Item 3: Rare Candy
Item 4: Ancient Fossil
Exp Gained: 10,000
Level Required: 100
Outcome [Successful]: Random Ancient Pokemon
Outcome [Failed]: Pile of Ash

Item 1: Ash
Item 2: Ash
Item 3: Ash
Item 4: Ash
Exp Gained: TBA
Level Required: 150
Outcome [Successful]: Ancient Fossil Part 1 2 or 3

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January 12, 2017 4:38:00pm
    Post: #2 
You haven't mentioned what will be the product of it

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April 05, 2017 10:39:51pm
    Post: #3 
Bumping to the top.

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April 06, 2017 3:32:06am
    Post: #4 
nice guide
Hope this helps ppl.

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April 08, 2017 8:17:48pm
    Post: #5 
Thanks. :)

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May 17, 2017 9:23:15am
    Post: #6 
What eb said, you need to add the product of your recipe.

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May 17, 2017 12:13:15pm
    Post: #7 
Great stuff, Mac.

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May 26, 2017 10:09:15am
    Post: #8 
Let me update it.

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May 26, 2017 10:17:51am
    Post: #9 
Alright, updated it. Added the outcome(s) and a few pictures of AncientPokemon

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May 26, 2017 2:24:37pm
    Post: #10 
May 26, 2017 10:17:51amBig Mac Wrote:  Alright, updated it. Added the outcome(s) and a few pictures of AncientPokemon

Just saying, There's a chance of failure while Crafting snowman head. You'll end up getting nothing

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May 26, 2017 4:36:43pm
    Post: #11 
This is actually really useful, and also how I learned what stuff to craft.

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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October 08, 2017 12:21:01pm
    Post: #12 
Bumping this

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June 20, 2018 10:43:45pm
    Post: #13 
thank u so very much this guide is extremely helpful thx Mac
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July 02, 2018 12:57:17pm
    Post: #14 
i cant stop looking at this cause i keep forgetting the formulas
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November 23, 2018 12:27:09pm
    Post: #15 
Updated this guide to include the new 'Ash' recipes. Credit to EliteBOY for the new recipes.

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