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Beginner's Guide to basics
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Beginner's Guide to basics
January 26, 2017 6:22:26am (This post was last modified: April 20, 2017 12:50:37pm by Warrior99xd.)
    Post: #1 
Beginner's Guide to basics
Hey all.So i've seen creed getting active with some new players lately.They have tons of questions to ask and it's really essential to answer them.So will try clearing out all the common notions that new players have.Make sure to read everything.Also old players can help me edit and add more content.So here we go :)

1)Money :-
This is usually the thing that most new users need at the beginning of the game.And they tend to trade coins for money.PLEASE DO NOT trade coins for money.You can always ask someone to give money for free if they are happy to can also pm [you must login to view links]
Say you own a pokemon worth 1k and another worth 1.5k and you see a pokemon you like which is rated at around 3k. Yes, there is a 0.5k difference, but give it a go.
Make an offer and who knows, they may accept it?
Note:-If the level of the pokemon is above level 5 then it's rate is usually lower(because it has been tampered like a used car)
Note 2 :-the rate of normal shinies is about 50-60 not overpay unless it's rare or a legendary.

Another aspect of creed where new players are most confused.Usually they tend to ask how do you people have so high leveled pokemon?The answer is simple.The right way to train and hours of training.Don't be shocked but people have clicked a million times to make their pokes level so high.Highly recommended to get a pokemon with toxic/tm toxic from for faster training.
Visit this link on how to train your pokemon in the right way:[you must login to view links]
pm [you must login to view links]

2)How to defeat towers?here's an awesome guide by Damian(unfortunately retired )
>> [you must login to view links]

3)How to get pokedex entries more effectively?Have a look at this guide by vjutice1921 <3
>> [you must login to view links]

4)How to unlock Gradient A-Z(the coloring of username)
Ask any Active staff to buy you.It costs 200,000 coins.

11)Creed Slangs/Abbreviations(thanks tyi and thib :p):-

Been to chat lately and confused with the shortcuts other users use?here are some common terms to help you out :)

FT - For Trade

UFT - Up For Trade

FS - For Sale

UFS - Up For Sale

NFT - Not For Trade

NFS - Not For Sale

LF - Looking For

NTY - No Thank You

AFK - Away From Keyboard

CBA - Can't Be Asked(bothered)

12)Important tips:-

1)daily choose a number in daily raffle and do lucky dips(you sometimes get coins and shiny pokemon) everyday without fail.
2)Finish all the gyms as soon as possible.this will let you buy a promo which you can keep or sell it at a higher rate(usually 1.5x-2x).
3)Do not use bad words/slangs and try not using other languages to the maximum extent.
4)if you want your pokemon to be trained quickly,you can give prizes to other users for training.
5)Aim for a dream pokemon and work towards it :)
6)If you are doing fishing contests,make sure you a score of 30000-32000 for winning.
7)Try hitdown(in games corner section) every 6 hours.easy way to earn coins without much effort.but do note that timing is important:)
8)Most importantly,make good friends!

Credits to pccreedhelp website and my counterparts for helping me out :)

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thank you thulung^^ :)

Andromeda [you must login to view images]

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January 26, 2017 8:45:27am
    Post: #2 
Nice thread warrior99xd

Good job :)

Profile Hits:
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January 27, 2017 3:21:07am
    Post: #3 
That's awesome and very informative! I was gonna make a guide too but you beat me to it XD
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January 27, 2017 12:23:58pm
    Post: #4 
Ty eb and Im :)

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thank you thulung^^ :)

Andromeda [you must login to view images]

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January 27, 2017 6:03:03pm
    Post: #5 
Wow cool guide.

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January 27, 2017 8:26:05pm
    Post: #6 
Nice guide bud! I especially love your depth with the maps, nice job! :D

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credit goes to Arceusboy for creating the awesome art on my main and on my storage :D thanks buddy! :D

My forever thanks goes to Epul for training my ShinyGolurk 42T exp, thanks mate forever!

GammyStorage (first creed account)

Friends/Helpful People

Mysterious Garden
Adilkhan/King is Back
lugia warrior
IM Challenger

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January 27, 2017 11:34:14pm
    Post: #7 
Great work with the guide!

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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January 28, 2017 4:22:56am
    Post: #8 
Ty lb,gammy and since?

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thank you thulung^^ :)

Andromeda [you must login to view images]

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January 28, 2017 8:31:20am
    Post: #9 
Noice warrior

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January 28, 2017 8:32:55am
    Post: #10 
Noice warrior :D

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January 31, 2017 2:46:05pm
    Post: #11 
ty tan and updated misc section and added pokes in maps section.please do let me know if i missed out a pokemon from a certain map.

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thank you thulung^^ :)

Andromeda [you must login to view images]

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February 02, 2017 3:13:33pm
    Post: #12 
Nice guide warrior. Even those all these things have been added before in the game. But it's still essential guide to new people.keep up the good work
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February 25, 2017 8:39:30am
    Post: #13 
Ty lw and bumps up for newbs!

Thanks For Landing Your Space Ships Here And Welcome In Galaxy Of Andromeda!
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March 09, 2017 1:44:25pm
    Post: #14 
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March 09, 2017 4:34:46pm
    Post: #15 
This is pretty good! I would only like to mention that you can find Baltoy in Al Sahra, and Hawlucha in Low Visibility.Thanks :)

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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