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mystery dungeon rp
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mystery dungeon rp
April 22, 2014 3:01:08pm
    Post: #211 
April 22, 2014 11:50:43amgoldenrilou Wrote:  this is out of rp guys we have to slow It down some dlatwood can you slow down on him finding the stones the seekers have to work as a team

Twist in my plot line...

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April 22, 2014 3:07:39pm (This post was last modified: April 22, 2014 3:19:04pm by dlatwood.)
    Post: #212 
mystery dungeon rp
Tyrant soon arrives at the cave before letting out a large Hyper Beam. "Foolish Seekers. The master will prevail over you puny attempts. I have taken control of you friend, made him more powerful! Hahaha." There is a large black aura surrounding Tyrant as he let's out a Flamethrower at the team; he struggles in the fight as he continues his assault of the rest of them team. Holding the Power Scarf and several Berries. He then focuses and charges a large Hyper Beam straight at Lucas. Tyrant is trying not to do it; "I am sorry my friends." "Be quiet fool!" Soon overcome by the darkness let's lose the Hyper Beam.

This is meant to be a challenge as his defense and attack are really high and has over 2500 hp.
He met jirachi and wished for two more move slots. Moves: Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Protect, and Thunder Bolt.

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April 22, 2014 3:53:25pm
    Post: #213 
Lucas jumps onto tyrant's head and charges a huge aura sphere and through it into his face. "let him go darkness he is a seeker you mess with him you mess with every seeker!" he shouts. and starts close combating him "you can do it tyrant, remember your not alone in this fight" the darkness controlling tyrant swats him away and greatly hurts him despite this he gets back up and continues encouraging tyrant to fight against the darkness's control.
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April 22, 2014 4:00:52pm (This post was last modified: April 22, 2014 4:03:58pm by dlatwood.)
    Post: #214 
mystery dungeon rp
Tyrant still controlled by the darkness doesn't give up easy as it isn't his way even though he tries to fight the darkness he struggles holding his attacks from hurting his friends he still is under the control of the Darkness. "Give it up Seekers there isn't a chance you can win this fight!" Tyrant still fights his hardest against the darkness; but has so much trouble fighting it maybe it got him easy because of all the battles against bosses. He then notices the others. "Help Lucas!" "Be quite fool I'm in control here!" Tyrant then lets out and Ice Beam at the Shinx...

Not an easy fight... he has a lot of endurance also...

Not trying to be mean either i decided that at least one becomes possessed.

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April 22, 2014 4:10:30pm
    Post: #215 
Lucas redirects the ice by intercepting it with an aura sphere causing it to bounce back at tyrant suddenly his aura feelers activated. "tyrant, you can do this, I know you can because we are all behind you 101 percent" he said to tyrant though his aura his voice is fallowed by the voices of tyrant's friends shouting encouragements to tyrant to fight the darkness.
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April 22, 2014 4:16:34pm
    Post: #216 
"This is silly you think your simple chant can break him free!" Tyrant struggles as the black aura grows larger and brighter only increasing its power. A few moment later Tyrant is seeming to not do anything as the darkness is slowly being pushed out of Tyrants body... A good couple minutes it is out and Tyrant falls down leaving a 20 foot crater with his badly damaged body in the thing almost filling it up... as he slowly falls into the hole he crates a big cloud of dust as he lays unconsciously in the hole...

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April 22, 2014 4:23:49pm
    Post: #217 
"you did it tyrant you beat the darkness" riolu said to him "told ya, you could beat it" he said as he got out his first aid kit form his his bag that he kept his supplies and tended to the tyranitar's wounds
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April 22, 2014 5:19:13pm
    Post: #218 
"Ugh I hurt all over. How am i to find the stones if I am hurt this bad?" So as Tyrant is healed he is basicly unable to move even after he was fully healed so he was moved from the crater to the large hole he had made in the wall. "Ugh, Ouch."

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April 22, 2014 5:25:55pm (This post was last modified: April 22, 2014 6:24:54pm by dlatwood.)
    Post: #219 
mystery dungeon rp
Tyrant lays in his small chamber in pain not able to do much but rest. He howls in pain sometimes... Not really being able to help the pain as the Darkness had strained his body to the max without any rest he had fought so hard he had physically used all his power to get rid of the darkness that had overcome him. "I will return,when you least expect it."

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April 22, 2014 5:46:35pm
    Post: #220 
boss link [you must login to view links]

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April 22, 2014 5:49:23pm
    Post: #221 
[you must login to view links] my jirachi for bid

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April 22, 2014 6:07:09pm
    Post: #222 
April 22, 2014 5:25:55pmdlatwood Wrote:  Tyrant lays in his small chamber in pain not able to do much but rest. He howls in pain sometimes... Not really being able to help the pain as the Darkness had strained his body to the max without any rest he had fought so hard he had physically used all his power to get rid of the darkness that had overcome him.

"just relax friend" lucas said as he put his kit away "remember your not the only seeker" he told him "remember we're a team" he said
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April 22, 2014 6:17:32pm (This post was last modified: April 22, 2014 6:20:19pm by dlatwood.)
    Post: #223 
mystery dungeon rp
"I'm the one that take's care of the bosses though!" Struggling to move Tyrant simply thinks really hard as he uses a hidden move he hasn't used for a while. Recover, Tyrant begins to sparkle as his body seems to repair its self he finally is able to stand up before letting out a loud Roar. "That's better now where was I?" "Oh yeah tracking the stones who want's to come with me to the rock stone?"

"The next person guarding the stone is Regirock."

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April 22, 2014 6:26:10pm
    Post: #224 
"actually we have a rescue mission" apparently "a town near the ancient ruins are being vandalized by a group of pokemon called team ragnorok"
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April 22, 2014 6:30:51pm (This post was last modified: April 22, 2014 6:32:00pm by dlatwood.)
    Post: #225 
mystery dungeon rp
"Any description of the Pokemon? I want to battle!"

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