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mystery dungeon rp
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mystery dungeon rp
May 01, 2014 3:27:29pm
    Post: #316 
Tyrant sits back and watched the other two going at it.

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May 01, 2014 9:11:32pm
    Post: #317 
Mirage laughed at the two Chunks

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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May 01, 2014 10:51:52pm (This post was last modified: May 01, 2014 10:52:53pm by goldenrilou.)
    Post: #318 
mystery dungeon rp
Lucas finally managed to land a strike on his mirage counterpart. the lucas mirage clone broke down for a bit but reformed quickly. "you might be strong but your still just a copy" said one of the lucases as he blasted the other into data "a copy is only half as good as the original" the remaining lucas said he looked behind him to see the chunks still going at it
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May 01, 2014 11:37:13pm
    Post: #319 
Mirage just destroyed Mirage Chunk surprisingly quick

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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May 02, 2014 12:05:12am
    Post: #320 
Fluffy used Iron Tail on Mirage Fluffy, and Mirage Fluffy disintegrated.

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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May 02, 2014 12:07:17am
    Post: #321 
"Heh, You've only defeated the first trial" A Voice echoed

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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May 02, 2014 11:29:57am
    Post: #322 
"show your self" Lucas shouted. He looked around the room for the source of the voice.
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May 02, 2014 11:58:23am
    Post: #323 
The voice came from somewhere that was fine tuned it seemed. Still 5x his normal size.

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May 02, 2014 12:48:30pm
    Post: #324 
(?) not being able to see the source of the voice he turned to his aura sense instead. Lucas closed his eyes and his aura feelers levitated he looked above him to find a strange aura emitting from a being standing on a ledge high above them. "he's up there" he said pointing to the ledge
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May 02, 2014 3:35:37pm
    Post: #325 
"Welcome Team Seeker's I am Regirock." A large boulder falls at Lucas... everyone engages except Tyrant who says "Lead him outside!"

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May 02, 2014 4:20:54pm
    Post: #326 
After a few minutes the boulder shatters into dust. "that was uncalled for" he said as he checked for any trace of the darkness within the legendary Pokemon, but to Lucas' suprise there wasn't a single trace of it in the whole cavern. "stop he isn't being controlled by the darkness we have no reason to fight" he shouted as he ran to stop the battle that had started
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May 02, 2014 4:27:55pm
    Post: #327 
Tyrant already wanting a whomp with a good boss simply walks off to a far building seeming to go into the clouds... "Sky Pillar? Rayquaza should be there." Tyrant soon shrinks as his ability wore off... "Might as well go see..." And Tyrant heads up the tower picking off enemies as he tries to reach the dragon... soon emerging to see the being around the same size as him. "Why have you entered my domain ground being." "Are you controlled by the darkness?" "No, it cant reach me up here."

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May 02, 2014 4:52:24pm
    Post: #328 
"so, can we have rock type imbued stone?" Lucas asked the regi
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May 02, 2014 5:11:15pm
    Post: #329 
"I am here on a request for the Dragon stone to help get rid of the darkness..." "You thing you can just walk in and ask for my stone... You must defeat me in battle first."

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May 02, 2014 6:18:43pm
    Post: #330 
"So be it Rayquaza but do realize that i will be taking that stone..." "Once you beat me." "Shall we compare Hyper Beams?" "Sure!" The two powerful pokemon launch massive Hyper Beam's colliding neither moving until Tyrant's slowly moves towards the Might dragon Pokemon. Soon hitting it in a massive explosion. "Ugh, I admit you have bested me. Take my stone." Tyrant feeling bad helps the massive dragon up. "We are trying to get rid of the Darkness... we need all the stones to make a crystal..."

The Crystal of Infinity... You need all the stone but that isn't enough. The three lake guardians must enchant them with their powers to amplify its power 100x to be able to vanguish the darkness forever...

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