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.:: Elite Four - Guide ::.
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.:: Elite Four - Guide ::.
April 15, 2015 8:46:29am (This post was last modified: January 21, 2019 10:42:45am by EliteBOY.)
    Post: #1 
.:: Elite Four - Guide ::.
Hello everyone! This is my Elite Four Guide v2 (After the new update)

Actually I have 2 methods to defeat the e4. First method needs LUCK (No Risk in this method) and the second method needs NO/LITTLE LUCK (But this one's risky!).

Lemme teach you both the methods and you can chose the one that's better to you!

Before starting with the Battle Strategy, I'll give some details about e4 trainers and their Pokemons! There are 5 trainers in total which includes Gary (The strongest of em all). If you defeat all 5, You're eligible to win a super cool userbar and a Crafting Gloves! :3

Elite Four is hard to defeat only because, You can't use consumables (items) in battle and the Blissey's HP will not be healed throughout the Battle! (What I mean is, if one of your Blissey faints while battling Lorelei, then you gotta manage with the remaining 5 Blissey's throughout the Battle! So saving those Blissey's is IMPORTANT!)

Let's start!

Elite 4 Trainers and their Pokemons:


Note: Level multiplier is written inside the braces! (Opponent Level = Level Multiplier x Your highest Level)

#1 - Lorelei :
Dewgong (2x)
Cloyster (2x)
Slowbro (2x)
Jynx (2x)
Lapras (2x)

#2 - Bruno :
Onix (2x)
Hitmonchan (2x)
Hitmonlee (2x)
Onix (2x)
Machamp (2x)

#3 - Agatha :
Gengar (2x)
Golbat (2x)
Haunter (2x)
Arbok (2x)
Gengar (2x)

#4 - Lance :
Gyarados (2x)
Dragonair (2x)
Dragonair (2x)
Aerodactyl (3x)
Dragonite (3x)

#Champion - Gary :
Pidgeot (3x)
Alakazam (3x)
Rhydon (3x)
Exeggutor (3x)
Gyarados (5x)
Charizard (5x)

Elite Four's Moveset:


Double Kick
Night Shade
Shadow Claw

To defeat them, you need a Pokemon that have high HP and the ability to withstand those moves!

Blissey's are a better choice! It doesn't mean that those are the only choice. You can experiment with other Pokemons too. But I prefer Blissey's!

Lemme start with the Battle Strategy #1!

Team and Moveset for the Strategy #1:


#1 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#2 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#3 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#4 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#5 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#6 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

Battle Strategy #1:


Once you're done getting the above team, Start your battle with Elite 4.
Note: Never use any moves other than Recover if your Blissey doesn't have Full HP! Remember, You need all 6 Blissey's when you battle Gary! So you have to save them in each and every battle.

Here is how to battle:
Use Toxic -> This will poison the opponent.
Now, Keep spamming Recover until the opponent dies of poison! (Takes 10 moves including Toxic)

Once the opponent Pokemon faints, check if your Blissey has full HP or not. If it doesn't, make it full by using Recover before using Toxic to the next Pokemon!

Repeat this process until you defeat Lance! Once you're done defeating first 4 trainers, You gotta have minimum 5x Blissey's Alive! If you have less than that, it's better to restart. If you have 5 or more Blissey's with Full HP, You're good to continue the Battle!

Now the real challenge arrives, GARY the KO Machine! So you gotta change your strategy Accordingly!

For the first 4 Pokemons of Gary, Use the same strategy. (Toxic -> Recover)

Once the Battle with Gyarados begins, change the strategy as follows:
Use Toxic, and Keep spamming Bolt Strike!
Because, using Recover takes 10 moves to kill the Gyarados. That's hard as Gyarados can 1 Hit KO your Blissey! So you have to faint it as soon as possible! Gyarados might kill 2-3 of your Blissey's. So you'll still have 2-3 more to battle Charizard. Use the same method as that of Gyarados to defeat the Charizard! Even it can 1 Hit KO a Blissey. So kill the Charizard as fast as possible. if the LUCK is with you, You'll survive this Battle!

If you did it correctly and the LUCK is with you, You'll defeat the Elite Four. But I won't say you'll defeat it in the first attempt itself. You need a lot of LUCK and PATIENCE for this.

Good luck!

Lemme explain the Battle Strategy #2!

Team and Moveset for the Strategy #2:


#1 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Leftovers

Bolt Strike

#2 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Leftovers

Bolt Strike

#3 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Leftovers

Bolt Strike

#4 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#5 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

#6 - Blissey - Level 5
Item: Exp.lock

Bolt Strike

Battle Strategy #2:


If you notice the difference between 2 teams, You'll know the risk Lol! In 2nd strategy, we'll use 3x Blissey with Leftovers and 3x Blissey with Exp.lock. (Leftovers heals little HP in every move! That will help a lot while battling Gary)

The Strategy #2 is same as that of Strategy #1. But it has a little modifications.

Here's how it is:
Use Toxic using Leftovers Blissey, Keep spamming Recover until the opponent is just 1 or 2 moves away from fainting. Now YOU HAVE TO SWITCH THE LEFTOVERS BLISSEY TO THE ONE WITH EXP.LOCK!

Once you switch it, use Recover! Opponent dies, and the Exp will be blocked by the Exp.Lock. So that your Blissey's will not gain any HP. (SWITCHING is important!)

Repeat this process for the first 4 trainers! This method will definitely keep all your Blissey's alive. So you'll have 6x Blissey's when battling Gary.

Now use the same strategy as that of #1 to defeat Gary! Just don't forget to SWITCH!

If you did everything correctly, You can defeat the Elite 4 with Just 1 attempt! (with a little luck). Might take a few attempts if your luck is horrible xD

But trust me, this method has more success rate than the first one. All you gotta do is to be Careful all the time! Otherwise you might end up Unbasing the Blissey. That'll literally ruin your Elite 4 team. I hope you'll be careful while using this method.

Good luck again! :3



Crafting Gloves!
- Which increases the success rate and the exp gained while crafting.

You'll also be able to unlock this cool userbar!

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There could be some more prizes in the near future, or some perks for those who defeated Elite 4! I'll update this thread when that happens. :)

Hope this Guide will help you to defeat the Elite Four! If you have any questions, Post it here or PM me either in Game or Discord. I'll definitely help you! :3

Finally I would like to thank all those who helped me to make this thread!

Thank List:

* GrimReaper - Loaned his team for the older version of Elite 4. It helped me to find the strategy.
* zapdos - Same as above!
* brys18 - Leftovers idea, Testing the strategy #2!
* adilkhan - Testing the Strategy #1 and providing required info.
* allzwll - Providing info about E4 trainers!

And everyone who contributed for the making of this Guide! Thank you so much guys!

~ EliteBOY

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April 15, 2015 9:14:21am (This post was last modified: April 15, 2015 10:31:59am by adilkhan.)
    Post: #2 
Elite Four [guide]
3. Agatha:
add Gengar

add Aerodactyl

Rate:Training in coins: 1.5 coin per billion worth of exp
Color Base pokemon 3 coin per Bill exp

Fly training per pokemon 60 coin

Click below to take a wish!
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April 15, 2015 9:19:23am (This post was last modified: June 17, 2017 4:41:25am by EliteBOY.)
    Post: #3 
Elite Four [Guide]
Edited the main post! Thanks

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April 15, 2015 12:49:34pm
    Post: #4 
Thanks for the guide
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April 15, 2015 10:10:10pm
    Post: #5 
Superb Guide,Elite!
It will definitly help us defeat the Champ!
Thanks again bro!XD



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Gift from my Good Friend! complanboy!
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Thank you kev my Caring Friend!
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Thank You Robath my Friend!
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A gift from my Good Friend Shamey
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Gift from Shamey my friend!
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April 19, 2015 12:59:55am
    Post: #6 
Thankx man for the guide
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December 26, 2015 11:44:45am
    Post: #7 
6xBlissey base lvl 5 with recover and 2 of them with toxic will it work?Will i loose if any of them has not equipped leftovers?
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December 26, 2015 1:15:24pm (This post was last modified: October 04, 2017 9:57:53am by EliteBOY.)
    Post: #8 
Elite Four [Guide]
December 26, 2015 11:44:45amSuPeStAr ViShAl Wrote:  6xBlissey base lvl 5 with recover and 2 of them with toxic will it work?Will i loose if any of them has not equipped leftovers?

You have to check before teaching recover. Just take your base Blissey and battle them. If your blissey faints for 2 double kick, base blissey wont work. Thats it!

Edit: Base Blissey's are better than the unbase ones! :P

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December 28, 2015 4:11:44pm
    Post: #9 
Ok Thanks Eb.
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October 04, 2017 6:40:24am
    Post: #10 
Updated the thread!

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May 04, 2018 6:30:01pm
    Post: #11 
Pls what does exp lock do
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May 04, 2018 7:36:00pm
    Post: #12 
May 04, 2018 6:30:01pmEliteKid Wrote:  Pls what does exp lock do

Exp. Lock prevents the Pokemon that is holding it from gaining any experience, meaning that it won't level up.
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January 28, 2019 2:45:28pm
    Post: #13 
Updated the guide!
Good luck guys.

Lmk if you need any help! :)

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