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Pokemon Creed Forums < Oddish's Off-Topic < Sorry, you believe what?
Sorry, you believe what?
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Sorry, you believe what?
July 02, 2018 7:48:24am (This post was last modified: July 03, 2018 3:29:32am by PokeMaster1010.)
    Post: #1 
Sorry, you believe what?
It's been a second since I've been back here on creed and the past few weeks have been very refreshing, reacquainting myself with the game and the community.

Anyways, something I've become interested in and that I've researched a lot in my absence from creed has been conspiracy theories. Of many kinds and from many places. They're just intriguing in a way most other things aren't, you know? The moon landing being staged. The Bermuda Triangle. 9/11 conspiracies. Aliens.
And no one could forget ones like the Illuminati or the, growing as of recent, flat Earth conspiracies. Some are dull and one-sided, some provide myriad evidence and information, some might just be too drawn out to give a second thought to.

And it's the people who so firmly believe them too that are fascinating. Their own research has quite possibly culminated in a strong belief that chem-trails are slowly poisoning us. Have they discovered cold, hard proof? Or are they just flexible in the mind and flow with whatever comes their way, not requiring substantial proof for a theory that's paper-thin.

Anyways, the point here is, what is one of your favorite conspiracy theories? Why? Do you personally believe any? Have you found something that you believe proves something? Feel free to explain all here.

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July 03, 2018 1:01:19am (This post was last modified: July 03, 2018 1:03:01am by NoHaxPlz.)
    Post: #2 
Sorry, you believe what?
my favorite conspiracy theory, is probably the flat earth sh!t, not because its good, its because how funny the community is, to believe someone actualy still thinks the earth is flat
and you see them everywhere, and ive actually tried to talk one into thinking the earth is round, when you counter one of their points, they cover their ears, and start rambling like a child
its hilarious, i find "flat earth cringe compilations" all over youtube
and some of their logic is just straight up bull sh!t
my favorite reason that a flat earther said: "it just makes sense!" really loudly
the flat earth community is SUPER sensitive to criticism
and if you try to reason with them, they will put on their aluminum foil hats and cover their ears,
literally, i wish i was joking

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July 03, 2018 1:27:56am
    Post: #3 
No offence guys, but someone has gotta say it. What community??

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credit goes to Arceusboy for creating the awesome art on my main and on my storage :D thanks buddy! :D

My forever thanks goes to Epul for training my ShinyGolurk 42T exp, thanks mate forever!

GammyStorage (first creed account)

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July 03, 2018 3:36:00am
    Post: #4 
July 03, 2018 1:01:19amNoHaxPlz Wrote:  my favorite conspiracy theory, is probably the flat earth sh!t, not because its good, its because how funny the community is, to believe someone actualy still thinks the earth is flat
and you see them everywhere, and ive actually tried to talk one into thinking the earth is round, when you counter one of their points, they cover their ears, and start rambling like a child
its hilarious, i find "flat earth cringe compilations" all over youtube
and some of their logic is just straight up bull sh!t
my favorite reason that a flat earther said: "it just makes sense!" really loudly
the flat earth community is SUPER sensitive to criticism
and if you try to reason with them, they will put on their aluminum foil hats and cover their ears,
literally, i wish i was joking

Yeah I totally agree it is undoubtedly in my top 3. I just continually have a hard time finding the logic in their reasoning, it's just nonexistent! "Why's the earth flat?" "IT JUST IS OK, ITS OBVIOUSLY NOT ROOUUND. Also gravity is fake, going to space is fake, Australia is fake, the curvature is obviously not there cause I can't even see it, can you? Huh?"
Man it drives me up walls. I get amused sometimes watching videos like the ones you mentioned but mostly I'm just frustrated, like I simply just don't understand how they believe that out planet is a disc, and they don't even know how flat the "disc" is.
And their "proofs" or 'examples" are so terrible and don't account for a shred of already-proved science.
So yeah anyways, I agree, if only it was a joke.
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July 03, 2018 4:23:37pm
    Post: #5 
eh, if they believe the earth is flat, i guess we just let natural selection help us out on this one

Should i take the towers back?
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July 29, 2018 8:13:34am
    Post: #6 
considering my dad listens to Alex Jones? hard to pick.

But living with a conspiracy theorist sometimes there really are points that -seem- valid that causes them to believe that way. For example: global warming isn't real, air pollution isn't hurting the earth, here are some graphs to prove it. okay, but are the graphs from a credible scientist and/or are they really about that? just really examining the evidence. most of the time i don't care enough to because i think it's a waste of time but if i did, it's not hard to go through hours of wiki sources and other evidences. sometimes they have valid points but other times there is heavy bias. tl;dr: global warming being "fake" because it made me waste time doing all of the above

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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